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Find Top Talent with an Enhanced Keyword Search

Written by dev | January 10, 2018

Searching candidates through keywords is a common practice. Solr or elastic search has been a terrific innovation in technology. When it comes to recruitment, this search facilitates a keyword-based search. This means that resumes are matched with the keyword already provided.

But how can you expand this search and get more relevant resumes? Of course, you do not want to miss out on quality resumes which do not carry the specific keyword. This is where RChilli steps in with its excellent semantic search and match technology.

We have a perfect answer to this question.

Our synonyms of skills, job profile is what will create your solr and elastic search perfect and better than normal solr. Semantic search & match is one of the most reliable ways to find top talent by matching resumes with jobs. The accuracy and quality of these results depend a lot upon the criteria or guidelines followed.

Our taxonomy is a detailed library of skills and jobs alias which help in easy identification of a candidate’s expertise. Apart from focusing on a single keyword, our skills and job alias give you multiple keywords which can be used to get quality results. Our matching technology will use these keywords to fetch resumes of candidates carrying the same. This can be explained through the following:

Job Profile: Project Manager

Parser extracts data from resumes

Job Alias: Project Coordinator, Project Lead, Project Leader, Head of Projects 

(offered by our parser)

Match resume/job with these job alias

Result: More options to choose from

What’s More!

Skills alias also gives a wide platform to parser for finding better results while hiring candidates. Check this example:

Skills: Java

Parser extracts data from resumes

Skills Alias: Java 2, Java 6, Java Se, Java 2 Enterprise Edition, Java 7, Java 8 

(offered by our parser)

Match resume/job with these skill alias

Result: More options to choose from


These are helpful when matching is done in the following ways:

           -- Resume to JDs to bring more job recommendations to the candidate.

           -- JD to Resumes to bring more candidate recommendations for a job position.

           -- Resume to Resumes to bring similar candidate recommendations matching a specific resume/ CV.

           -- JD to JDs to bring similar job recommendations matching a specific job position.

Skills and job alias give more tags for resumes and job data and help in building weighted search while matching resumes/jobs. Thus, your search gets a boost with this additional benefit offered apart from parsing.