Oracle HCM Integration

Achieve new levels of recruiting speed, accuracy,
and efficiency in the Oracle environment.

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RChilli’s Oracle HCM Integration maximizes your Oracle investment through a suite of advanced recruiting solutions including AI-powered resume and CV parsing in 30+ languages … flawless data migration … and state-of-the-art data reprocessing and enrichment. With a single, swift, and seamless integration, you’ll streamline your hiring process, improve candidate and recruiter experiences, expand your talent pool, and make data-driven talent decisions that give you better results.

Our suite of solutions includes:


Redaction and Design: True 
Skills-Based Hiring  

RChilli’s Redaction and Design API reduces unconscious bias in your recruiting process by removing fields from candidates’ resumes that could give rise to bias (name, date of birth, gender, nationality, etc.) while still retaining the resumes’ original format, which ensures consistency and readability across all resumes. Prior to parsing and redacting the resumes, recruiters can choose the final design (format and layout) for how the resumes will be presented to them, which aids in reducing bias and presenting every candidate in a uniform and fair manner. In the end, you’ll get a shortlist of candidates for every job with the most qualified individuals at the top of the list.


Browser Assistant: Fast 
Track Candidate Matches

Our AI-powered Browser Assistant eliminates any need for manual resume uploads or file searches. Recruiters can create robust candidate profiles by uploading up to 30 resumes at one time directly from their browser. They can also zip file an unlimited number of resumes, upload them, and have the candidate data auto-populated into profiles. They can even drag and drop candidate information from sites like LinkedIn, Monster, CareerBuilder, and others. And RChilli’s Browser Assistant supports unbiased hiring by enabling recruiters to mask fields from resumes before uploading them.


Recruitment AI: Create Better 
Experiences for All      

RChilli's resume parser for the Oracle HCM utilizes AI and deep learning to make your candidate and recruiter experiences effortless and more engaging. Candidates can upload their resumes and apply to jobs in less than a minute. And our multi-lingual resume parsing solution lightens the load on your recruiting team as well by mapping all of Oracle’s 30+ candidate profile fields and auto-populating relevant skills for each of your open jobs, regardless of the language or format of candidates’ resumes.


Data Enhancement: Essential for 
Accurate Talent Insights

Transform old, unstructured candidate information into data that’s up to date, consistent, normalized, and complete across your entire resume database. RChilli’s Data Enhancement solution is backed by AI and machine learning to ensure that your data is optimized to improve your team’s decision making and workflows. We apply robust taxonomies … redact sensitive resume information in 30 fields … automatically detect and remove duplicate candidate records … and reprocess and validate your data using a meticulous 9-step process.


Skills Taxonomy: Take Your Matches To a New Level

RChilli’s Skills Taxonomy encompasses 3+ million skills and 2.4+ million job profiles in multiple languages, and it associates every skill and job profile with a variety of alternative words, phrases, synonyms, and other variations to ensure comprehensiveness. Our robust Taxonomy supports skills-based hiring and empowers your team to search for, track, and develop valued skill sets with greater ease and speed. Create skills, profiles and job descriptions in a snap … analyze skill gaps with pinpoint accuracy … conduct automated skills assessments effortlessly … and strengthen and expand your candidate searches for better matches.


What Our Customers Are Saying

The fact that we can work with RChilli as a partner and a company to continuously improve resume data accuracy over time is incredible.

Jim-Klien-Review-About-RChilli Resume Parser

Jim Klien

Sr. Director-Technical Solutions, Phenom

RChilli has been a game-changer for the company, enabling us to seamlessly transform unstructured candidate data into structured information that powers our innovative solutions. 




With RChilli, the ability to parse multiple resumes quickly has significantly streamlined our client's operations and improved the overall effectiveness of their recruitment efforts.


Erika Clifford

Co-Founder - Just Recruit

Our team has reduced resume screening time by 70%, improving client service and time-to-fill rates by 25-35%.


Michael Yinger

CEO, Resume Sieve

Kovasys is thrilled to integrate with RChilli and has experienced significant time and cost savings. Our recruiters now save 2-3 hours per week, resulting in monthly savings of thousands of dollars, making our processes highly cost-effective.

Alex Kovalenko Reviews About RChilli

Alex Kovalenko

Director of IT Recruitment

With the help of RChilli, recruiters productivity has been significantly boosted. Now, they can save up to 90-95% of their time.


Sujit Singh

CEO, Sharedpro