Release Notes

Listing of all the techy updates

Resume Parser
Job Parser
Search & Match Engine
Resume Redactor
RChilli Plugins

17 July 2024
Latest Updates

The JobZone workflow has been added to the Enrich Marketplace, allowing users to access the JobZone score of parsed job descriptions (JDs) and detailed JobZone level information.  For more details, refer RChilli Marketplace.

17 July 2024
Latest Updates

Finnish Language parsing is released.

17 July 2024

Latest Updates


Finnish Language has been implemented on Taxonomy for both Skill and Job Profile.

17 July 2024

Latest Updates


Enhancement in Experience block parsing.

1 July 2024
Latest Updates
JobZone workflow is added in the Enrich Marketplace and user can use this workflow to can get the JobZone score of the parsed resume with Job Jone level information. For more details, refer RChilli Marketplace.
1 July 2024
Latest Updates
Chinese (Traditional) language parsing is released.
1 July 2024

Latest Updates


Chinese (Traditional) language parsing is released.

17 June 2024

Latest Updates


A new plugin Job Zone has been released. Job Zone plugin API returns the Job Zones level for Job Profile in the resume. To know more details, refer Job Zone.

The Resume Templater functionality has been enhanced as follows:
21 May 2024

Latest Updates


Greek language parsing is released.

21 May 2024
Latest Updates
  • When extractlanguageinskill parameter is passed in the API settings, the language known to the candidate is returned in the skill sections. For more information, see extractlanguageinskill.
  • All the resume sections (source) are now available for the skill extraction, for more information refer skillsource.
  • When bulletpoint parameter is passed in the API settings, the resume details in the bullet format are parsed and returned in the API response in the same bullet format. For more information, see bulletpoint.
6 May 2024

Latest Updates


Greek language parsing is released.

6 May 2024

Latest Updates


1. PDF Layout [AI Model] has been developed and implemented to enhance the parsing capabilities of PDF resumes with column layouts.


  • This feature currently supports only single-page PDF resumes.

  • This is a beta release version.

2. The extraction of skills spanning multiple lines in PDF resumes has been optimized.

3. Greek language parsing is released.

22 April 2024

Latest Updates


Combines the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLM Parsing - OPEN AI and LLM Parser - Azure OPEN AI) with RChilli technology. This combination results in a parser that surpasses what can be achieved with each technology alone.
For more details refer LLM Parsing - OPEN AI (Beta) and LLM Parser - Azure OPEN AI (Beta).

22 April 2024
Latest Updates

Supports parsing of PNG and JPEG extension files.

8 April 2024
Latest Updates
Parsing for JPEG and PNG files has been implemented.
25 March 2024

Latest Updates


  • Set an option for ignoring the validation of phone number has been added
  • Slovenian Language parsing released
25 March 2024
Latest Updates
Slovenian Language Parsing Released
11 March 2024

Latest Updates


  • Enhancement in Certification block parsing
  • Slovak Language parsing released
5 March 2024

Latest Updates


Improved Russian Language Accuracy

18 February 2024
Latest Updates
Slovak Language Parsing Released
18 February 2024

Latest Updates

Improvements in the parsing of employers. Issues regarding junk periods parsing from job description has been reduced.


29 January 2024

Latest Updates

Czech language parsing has been released.

29 January 2024

Latest Updates

Czech language parsing has been released.

29 January 2024

Latest Updates

Redaction is now implemented in the template plugins.

29 January 2024
Latest Updates

  • Czech language released in Resume Parser
  • The Parsing of Polish, Arabic, Russian, and Indonesian Languages have been improved.
  • Multilingual Parsing for Arabic and Korean language have been Improved
  • The Extraction of the Employer has been improved in the Japanese Language parsing.
  • The Extraction of the Address has been improved in the French Language parsing.
23 January 2024

Latest Updates

Added Skill and Job Profile data for all available Groups under ONS Taxonomy (UK).

16 January 2024

Latest Updates

Croatian language released in Resume Parser

15 January 2024

Latest Updates

Croatian language parsing released

28 December 2023

Latest Updates

Vietnamese Language Parsing Released

27 December 2023

Latest Updates 

Vietnamese Language Parsing Released

29 November 2023

Latest Updates

Nursing License Extraction in Certification Segregation.

28 November 2023

Latest Updates 

Norwegian Language Parsing Released

17 November 2023

Latest Updates

Improved Parsing of Maximum Experience and Responsibilities.

23 October 2023

Latest Updates

The Performance of the Overall Parsing Process has been Optimized.

9 October 2023

Latest Updates

  • The Ukranian Language Parsing is now Fully Supported.
  • Improved Parsing of JDs with multiple Job Profile keywords.
14 September 2023

Latest Updates

Ukrainian Language has been implemented on Taxonomy for both Skill and Job Profile.

24 August 2023

Latest Updates

The User can now Add a Logo to the Redacted Resume's Header/Footer.

8 August 2023

Latest Updates

ResumeParserAPI Response is now Included in the Resume Templater Plugin Response.

August 2023 - Taxonomy Shopify
Table Name Jun 2023 July - till Aug 2023 Total
Skill 39865 160 40025
SkillAlias 215347 52458 267805
MultiLangSkill 343994 71483 415477
MultiLangSkillAlias 1678123 418221 2096344
MultiLangJobProfileAlias 1385573 468364 1853937
MultiLangJobProfile 422836 39685 462521
JobProfileAlias 186874 33968 220842
JobProfile 32184 223 32407
June 2023 - Taxonomy Shopify
Table Name
Mar 2023
Apr - Jun 2023
30 May 2023

Latest Updates

A Partial Match Functionality has been added to Skill Search and Job Profile Search for Users.

March 2023- Taxonomy Shopify
Table Name Dec 2022 Jan - Mar 2023 Total
Skill 32706 5484 38190
SkillAlias 118343 50754 169097
MultiLangSkill 204317 72496 276813
MultiLangSkillAlias 963336 296566 1259902
MultiLangJobProfileAlias 833646 275793 1109439
MultiLangJobProfile 324220 51710 375930
JobProfileAlias 128824 25549 154373
JobProfile 30031 707 30738
31 July 2023

Latest Updates

The Parsing of Arabic Language is now Improved.

23 July 2023

Latest Updates

Parsing Performance has been Optimized.

21 June 2023

Latest Updates

Parsing of the Hungarian Language is now Fully Supported.

19 April 2023

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Experience and Organization has been Improved.
  • Hebrew Language Parsing is now Fully Supported.
4 April 2023

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Job Profiles has been Improved.
  • The Extraction of Languages has been Improved.
3 March 2023

Latest Updates

The Extraction of Experience is now Improved.

13 February 2023

Latest Updates

  • Extraction of Job Profiles Improved.
  • Thai Language Parsing is now Fully Supported.
  • The Logic for Extracting City State has been Improved for Better Parsing.
10 March 2023

Latest Updates

The Redaction of Names and Phone Numbers has been Improved.

1 March 2023

Latest Updates

The Redaction Process has been Optimized to Enhance Performance.

28 December 2022

Latest Updates

Auto complete API for Job Profile and Skill now saves data in memory (previously, we hit the database every time).

15 December 2022

Latest Updates

The Extraction of Experience and Company Name is now Improved.

23 November 2022

Latest Updates

Implementation of OCR Parsing in JD Parser.

11 November 2022

Latest Updates

The Text Extraction Library in the DocumentConverter and Resume Templater plugins has been Updated to Increase Accuracy.

11 November 2022

Latest Updates

The Text Extraction Library was Updated for Improved Accuracy

Taxonomy Updated in Shopify - 13 December 2022

Latest Updates

ProficiencyLevel Table in Taxonomy is Updated and replaced with Moderate to Proficient and vice-versa.

14 September 2022

Latest Updates

The Code was Optimized to Improve the Performance.

3 November 2022

Latest Updates

Enhancements were made to the formatted profile name that appeared in English when the user searched in multi-language. Search results will now display the same language.
Taxonomy Updated in Shopify - 2 November 2022

Latest Updates

GeoLocations: 6551126
PostalCodes Count: 1546906
Degree Count: 897 
Degree Alias Count: 1342 
EducationInstitute Count: 6964 
EducationInstituteAlias Count: 8507 
Job Profile Count: 34924 
Job Profile Alias Count: 187954
MultiLangJobProfile Count: 394704
MultiLangJobProfileAlias Count: 1369746
Skill Count: 36746
Skill Alias Count: 197443
MultiLangSkill Count: 369577
MultiLangSkillAlias Count: 1830737
10 October 2022

Latest Updates

GeoLocation Plugin: This plugin is used to get a location's longitude and latitude.

31 March 2022

Latest Updates

Resume Templater:

  • jsondata parameter added in request format. This parameter will take parsed resume parser JSON in base64.
  • Sub-user id level setting applied for the template key and output type with the combination of the user key and subuserid.
21 March 2022

Latest Updates

Resume Templater: Candidate image position improvement in doc and rtf resume.

17 March 2022

Latest Updates

Resume Templater: We can now set the default template key for every user.

3 November 2021

Latest Updates

Contact Extractor: A Contact Extractor plugin uses NLP Technology to tag the entities like Candidate Name, Email, Website, Contact Number, and Location from the text content.

25 October 2021

Latest Updates

NER Tagger Plugin: A NER Tagger plugin uses NER Technology to extract the entity from the text. It extracts multiple entities like Job Profile, City, State, Country, Candidate Name, Degree, Organization, Skill, Date, Year, etc.

9 September 2021

Latest Updates

Resume Templater: A Resume Templater plugin converts a resume into a specified template resume format.

30 Sep 2022
Latest Updates
Dynamic API Setting feature added in ParseJD and ParseJDText methods. Now, the user can change their parsing settings with every request.
18 August 2022
Latest Updates
Improvements made in the new API Keyword Search Method, which returns Jobs and Skill separately from user input keywords.
8 August 2022
Latest Updates
  • If the first letter of the keyword is capitalized, then the first word in the API response will also be capitalized.
  • By creating multiple patterns for a single keyword, non-search keywords that contain hyphens and handles are improved.
11 July 2022

Latest Updates

Senior or Junior Keyword Searches Fixed for returning results for Senior or Junior.

5 August 2022
Latest Updates
Current and Preferred Locations are also Redacted with the Address.
27 July 2022
Latest Updates
Improvements to the Redaction of Email Addresses, Dates of Birth, and Website.
22 July 2022
Latest Updates
Performance Improvements made to the pdf document
11 July 2022

Latest Updates

JD Parsing is now available in the Swedish and Turkish Languages.

20 June 2022

Latest Updates

The Extraction of the City of Job Location is now Improved.
16 June 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of the Minimum and Maximum Year of Experience is now Improved.
  • Parsing is now available for the JD in the Romanian Language.
16 June 2022
Latest Updates
Enhancements made in the Multilingual Job Profile Search

10 May 2022
Latest Updates
Enhancements made in the Job Profile Search if the keyword contains symbols (like Hyphen and Slash)
20 May 2022
Latest Updates
JD Parser version 3.2 implementation for (Category and Sub Category, Organization Formatted Name, Degree Normalization)
21 April 2022
Latest Updates
  • Implementation of NLP for the Skill and Job Profile Search.
  • Optimization of the Search Result if the Search Keywords have Special Symbols.
10 March 2022
Latest Updates
Optimization of the Search Keywords if the keyword contains special characters for Skill Search.
25 February 2022
Latest Updates
  • Improvement in the Job Profile Search by Optimizing the Search Keywords.
  • Enhancement in the Skill Search by Optimizing the Search Keywords.
21 March 2022
Latest Updates 
  • The Extraction of the Responsibilities Block Improved.
  • The Extraction of the Websites and Zipcode for the Danish Language is Fixed.
22 February 2022
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Degree for the Dutch Language is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Responsibility Block is Improved.
14 January 2022

Latest Updates

  • The extraction of Minimum and Maximum Years of Experience is improved.
  • The extraction of Job Type for the English Language is improved.
  • The extraction of Responsibilities Block in Spanish and English Language is improved.
6 January 2022
Latest Updates

The extraction of Nationality and Number of openings for the Arabic Language is now enhanced.

28 December 2021
Latest Updates

Enhancements have been made in extracting the Organization Name and Job Profile for the German language.

23 December 2021

Latest Updates

Enhancements made in the extraction of the Responsibility Block.

15 December 2021
Latest Updates
The issue pertaining to Apache Log4j Vulnerability resolved


14 December 2021
Latest Updates
Enhancements made in the Extraction of the Employer name (mentioned with keywords) for the Arabic Language.
06 December 2021
Latest Updates

The Extraction of Organization and Job Profile Improved in the Arabic language.

29 November 2021
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Posted Date, Salary, Minimum and Maximum Year of Experience Improved for the Arabic Language.
  • The Extraction of Company Name Improved.
25 November 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Salary and Posted Date Improved for the English Language.
  • The Extraction of the Job Profile Improved.
  • The Extraction of Minimum and Maximum Year of Experience Improved.
  • The Extraction of the Location Improved.
28 October 2021
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of JobShift Improved for the English Language.

  • The Extraction of Responsibilities Block Improved.
22 October 2021
Latest Updates
The Extraction of "AboutOrganization" and "Responsibilities" blocks Improved
15 October 2021
Latest Updates

The Extraction of the Responsibility Block Improved

7 October 2021
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Organization Improved.
  • The Extraction of Responsibilities with Keywords Improved for the English Language.
4 October 2021
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of JobType and JobShift for the Russian Language Improved. 
  • The Extraction of Minimum and Maximum Year of Experience for Spanish and English Language Improved. 
  • The Extraction of Responsibility for Spanish and German Languages Improved.
23 September 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Languages for the French Language Improved.
  • The Extraction of Organization Name (mentioned with keyword) Fixed for English and French Language.
15 September 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of JobType, JobShift, Salary, Minimum and Maximum Year of Experience Improved for the Russian Language.

  • The Extraction of Responsibility and PostedDate Improved for the Spanish Language.
2 September 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of AboutOrganization and Responsibilities Improved.

  • The Extraction of Job Type for the Polish Language Fixed.
26 August 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Salary & Job Profile Improved for the Russian Language
19 August 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of JobShift Improved for the Japanese Language.
  • The Extraction of Job Profile, Job Shift, Contact PersonName, and Experience Improved for the Russian Language.
  • The Extraction of the Posted On Date and Close Date Improved for the Russian Language.
11 August 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Job Code in Spanish and German Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Job Type in Spanish and German Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Degrees (mentioned with heading) in the French Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Posting and Closing Date for German and Spanish Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Age Limit Improved.
5 August 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of AboutOrganization Improved.

  • The Extraction of Responsibility Improved.

  • The Extraction of Languages Fixed.
29 July 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Responsibility Improved

  • The Extraction of Job Code Improved

  • The Extraction of Minimum and Maximum Year of Experience Improved


21 July 2021
Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of the Minimum/Maximum Year of Experience Improved if Mentioned like 5- 6 meses.

  • The Extraction of Responsibilities Improved for the Polish Language.
24 June 2021

Latest Update

  • The Extraction of JDs for the Chinese Language Improved.
  • The Extraction of Job Type for the French Language is Fixed.
  • The Extraction of Responsibilities is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Certifications is Improved.


14 June 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Company Name Improved for Chinese and Japanese Languages
  • The Extraction of Location (City, State) and PostedOnDate Improved for the Chinese Language.
  • The Extraction of PostedOnDate Improved for the French Language
  • The Extraction of responsibilities Improved.
21 May 2021

Latest Updation

  • The Extraction of Posted Date for the Polish Language Improved
  • The Extraction of the Closing Date for the English Language (Eg: Applications close: 24 May 2021) is Fixed
  • The Extraction of the Job Shift for the Portuguese Language Fixed
22 April 2021

Latest Updates

  • Extraction of organization, responsibilities, minimum experience, location improved for the Polish Language
  • Extraction of degree, location, about the organization, minimum experience improved for the French Language
  • Extraction of salary, interview type, job code improved for the Chinese Language
26 March 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Optimization for the Location Done
  • Improvement Made for the Extraction of Organization, Minimum- Maximum Experience, Job Profile, and Location for French and Polish Language
  • Improvement Made for Extraction for SalaryOffered Text, Organization, Contact Name, Job code, ContactName, and Phone Number for the German language
  • Improvement Made for the JobCode, JobShift, JobProfile, Organization, and Location for the Portuguese and Italian Language
  • Posted Date like - 17th Mar, 2021 Fixed.
  • Phone number Contains Slashes (/) Fixed. 
17 March 2021

Latest Updates 

  • For the Portuguese Language, the Extraction of JobCode, JobShift, Responsibilities, and Location Improved.

  • For the German and Spanish Language, the Extraction of JobCode, PhoneNumber, Website, Responsibilities, AboutOrganization, and Contact Person Name Improved.

  • For the French Language, the Extraction of Responsibility, Job code, Location, Organization, AboutOrganization, and JobProfile Improved.

  • For the Japanese Language, the Extraction of Organization and JobProfile Improved.
4 March 2021

Latest Updates 

  • Chinese and Japanese Languages are Introduced in JD Parser.

  • The Extraction of the Job Title like NET Developer/.NET/Web Developer (i.e . (dot) in starting of a title)) are fixed.
19 February 2021
Latest Updated 
  • Extraction for Organization, Location (city, state) Improved
  • Extraction of Multiple Emails Fixed
  • Extraction of the Responsibilities for Multi Languages Improved
  • Improvement made for the website, Interviewer Name, and Dates (Posting Date/Closing Date/ Interview Dates) Extraction.


  • Entity Tagging from NLP with Deep learning for Organization, Job, Degree, and Institutes
  • PDF conversion improvement for column and parallel formats
  • Multiple keyword block heading tagging and splitting (e.g Education, Certification and Trading will be considered as education block)
  • USA address city, state extraction improvement
  • Combine/complete multi-job profile in employment (e.g. Manager/Team Lead/Administrator)
  • Tagging/Extracting institute, degrees with fuzzy logics
  • Improvement in Institute and degree name completion
  • Improvement in tagging/extracting employer w.r.t Location, Job profile and Job period
  • Improvement for address city for UK when the city is present in multiple countries
  • Improvement for address w.r.t UK ZIP code
  • Improvement for Singapore and Hongkong addresses

Bug Fixing

  • PDF header text issue fixing
  • Start and end date fixing in education when education period is a current period (e.g 2018 - Present)
  • Fixing entity issue for apostrophe('s) for Degree, Institute, Sub-institute, and Employer

New Technologies Used

  • Tensor-flow
  • Spacy
  • Word2vec/Glove
  • CRF (Conditional Random Fields)
  • RNN (Recurrent Neural Network)
  • Backward Propagation
  • Gradient Descent
  • LSTM (Long short-term memory)
  • Graph DB
  • Weka NER
  • Maximum Entropy
  • HMM
  • Brat
  • Text Normalization
  • Data Normalization
  • Pattern matching
  • Tagging
  • Fuzzy matching
  • Case analysis
  • Order analysis
  • Delimiter analysis
  • Length analysis
  • Domain analysis
  • Gap analysis
  • Density analysis
  • Semantic analysis
  • Sentence Analyzer
  • NLP
  • Machine Learning
  • Image Analyses (Face Detection)
  • Language Detection
7 October 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Job Profiles, if it is mentioned with Branch Like: "Senior Associate, Forensics", "Graduate Associate, Technology and Operations” etc. Improved.
  • The Extraction of Candidate Name, Address and Salary (Expected and Current Salary) Improved.
  • The Extraction of Employer for the Chinese Language Improved.
  • The Extraction of Experience Block Improved.
  • The Extraction of Language Known for the French Language Improved.
16 December 2021
Latest Updates
The issue pertaining to the Apache Log4j Vulnerability resolved.
28 February 2022
Latest Updates
  • Execution of Sorting using Custom Fields.
  • Improvement in searching using Custom Fields in Boolean Search method.
  • Enhancement made in the Geolocation Search.
  • Execution of Facets on Custom Fields.
  • Enhancements made in the Job Profile Search in Boolean Search Method.
9 June 2022

Latest Updates

  • Implementation of Masking of Candidate Age, Year of Experience, CGPA (mentioned in Education).
  • Implementation of separate highlight color for Abbreviation field.
  • Now MaskType can be any Character or Symbol.
6 August 2021

Latest Updates

Document Converter: A Document Converter plugin converts a document from one format to another, like doc file to pdf, pdf to doc, etc.

24 November 2023

Latest Updates

Parsing of Degrees and Institutions mentioned in Multilines in Resumes is Improved.

20 October 2023

Latest Updates

The Parsing of Japanese, Korean, and Chinese has been Improved.

5 October 2023
Latest Updates
The Norwegian Language Parsing is now Fully Supported.
14 September 2023

Latest Updates

The Ukrainian Language Parsing is now Fully Supported.

1 September 2023

Latest Updates

The Extraction of Education and Experience Block is now Improved.

20 August 2023

Latest Updates

The Extraction of Job Periods is now Improved.

8 August 2023

Latest Updates

The Extraction of Date Period and Degrees has been Improved.

31 July 2023

Latest Updates

The Parsing of Korean and Arabic Languages has been Improved.

17 July 2023

Latest Updates

The Extraction of the Company Name has been Improved.

12 July 2023

Latest Updates

The Parsing of the Experience Block of the Hebrew Language is now Improved.

3 July 2023

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Personal Details from Resumes is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of JobPeriod is Enhanced.
21 June 2023

Latest Updates

Hungarian Language Parsing is now Fully Supported.

6 June 2023

Latest Updates

The Extraction of Education is now Improved.

2 June 2023
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Address is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Multiline Names is now Improved.
22 May 2023

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Company Names in the Abbreviation Form is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Names in the Personal Block is now Improved. 
5 May 2023

Latest Updates

The Extraction of Profile in the Experience Block is now Improved.

18 April 2023

Latest Updates

  • The HTML of the PDF Document has been Improved.
  • Hebrew Language Parsing is now Fully Supported.
  • There is an API setting Available for Ordering Degrees in Qualifications.
  • Enhancements have been made to Extracting Skills from Certification Blocks.
4 April 2023

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Job Period and Candidate Address in Thai has Improved.
  • The Extraction of Candidate Names has Improved.
27 March 2023

Latest Updates

The Extraction of Multi-line Email Addresses of Candidates has been Improved.

17 March 2023

Latest Updates

The Thai Language has been Improved in the Resume Parser.

10 March 2023

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of DegreeName (if Only degree Abbreviation is mentioned) is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Aggregate type is now Improved.
28 February 2023

Latest Updates

  • Improvement in the Mapping of Employer with jobprofile (In some cases, employer name is extracted from jobdescription of upper employer).
  • The Extraction of Certificate title & Jobperiod is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Employer, Jobprofile, and Institute Name from AI is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of StreetAddress (Extra detail parsed) is now Improved.
15 February 2023

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Education detail and block (After conversion, education heading extract in diff block or heading not extract) is Improved.
  • The Extraction of the Candidate Name (if mentioned in a small case and after conversion, Candidate name extract in mid of detail resume) is Improved.
2 February 2023

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Email (if the email is mentioned in multiline) is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Correct detail of the Resume(After conversion, text extract withoutspace) is now Improved.
27 January 2023

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of the Candidate Name is Improved.
  • The Extraction of BlockCutting is now Improved.
23 January 2023

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of TotalYear of Experience is Improved.
  • Thai Language Parsing is now Fully Supported.
  • The Hebrew Language is Partially Added to the Resume Parser.
  • The State and Country are Extracted if the Same City Exists in Different Places.
19 January 2023

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Cover Letters in Multilanguage is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Phone Numbers, if mentioned with +ISD, is Improved.
10 January 2023

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of the Multiline Job Period is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Multiline email is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Multiline Institute is now Improved.
29 December 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Names and Job Periods in the Swedish Language is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Education Blocks, if mentioned without a Heading, is Improved.
22 December 2022
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Certification is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Names mentioned with "-" in German is now Improved.
19 December 2022
Latest Updates 
  • The Extraction of Street Addresses for all Languages is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Date of Birth is now Improved.
12 December 2022

Latest Updates

The Extraction of Name is now Improved (if deg and certification detail mentioned with name) (Name, Deg, Certification)

2 December 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of the Job Period Improved if the Period is Mentioned without Space (From 2019Jan - 2021 Feb).
  • Implementation of Dynamic Page Limit Setting in Resume parser. 
  • The Extraction of the Multiline Website is now Improved (Website mentioned in Multiline)
23 November 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of the Certification Title is now Improved.
  • Enhanced Extraction of Job Profile if multiple profiles are mentioned in a single line.
14 November 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Period is now Improved. (MonthName Year. MonthName Year, 1st of June, 2006 - 30th of April, 2010)
  • The Extraction of Project detail is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Language Known Improved.
  • The Extraction of Title Names in the Arabic Language is Improved.
  • The Extraction of 2 Character Job Profile like (RN, CA), etc., is now Improved.
10 November 2022

Latest Updates

The Extraction of New Aggregate types like Class, WAM, QPI, and HONORS is now Improved.

3 November 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Language Known Improved.
  • The Extraction of PassportDetail Improved.
31 October 2022

Latest Updates

  • There has been an improvement in Extracting the Present date mentioned in the Education Experience Block.
  • The Extraction of Aggregate Value is now Improved.
17 October 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of the Candidate Name is now Improved.
  • Improvements in Extracting Experience block cuts from Achievements, Internships, etc.
13 October 2022

Latest Updates

There has been an improvement in Extracting Employer Junk from the Job Profile.

11 October 2022
Latest Updates 
  • The Extraction of the Institute Name Improved.
  • The Extraction of Email addresses, if mentioned in multiline, is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of a Single Job Period, if mentioned in the New Line, is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of StreetAddress Improved.
10 October 2022

Latest Updates

The Extraction of the Employer City State in the English Language is now Improved.

4 October 2022

Latest Updates

The Extraction of Street Address Improved.

29 September 2022

Latest Updates

The Extraction of Street Address Improved.

23 September 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of UK Phone no. is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Junk Period Improved if mentioned mid-line and with % Symbol.
19 September 2022
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Employers Name (Candidate Name extracted as an employer) Improved.
  • The Extraction of Multiline Periods in the Education Block (Period mentioned in multiline) Improved.
  • The Extraction of Personal Detail (IF personal block is mentioned under reference block, then parser extracts personal detail as reference) Improved.
  • The Extraction of Experience Blocks (if the experience is not mentioned, then the education block is extracted in the experience block if the present period is mentioned in the education block).
  • The Extraction of Period, if mentioned with a Date Heading like startdate, enddate is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of StreetAddress is now Improved.
9 September 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Degrees and Normalized Degrees Improved.
  • The Extraction of a Single Period (sometimes a single junk period mentioned at the end of the line with a dot) is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Zip Code (zip code extracted in the phone number) is now Improved.
1 September 2022
Latest Updates
The Extraction of Blocks is now Improved.
30 August 2022
Latest Updates
The Extraction of StreetAddress Improved.
26 August 2022
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Employer and Job Profile Improved.
  • The Extraction of Single Period is now Improved.
24 August 2022
Latest Updates
The Extraction of StreetAddress is now Improved. E.g., Sometimes, Streetaddress extracts junk data.
12 August 2022

Latest Updates

Improvement in the Extraction of Institute Board Name if not accompanied by a Board keyword. E.g.: - (In tabular format, board and degree mentioned in the same like s.s.c, is also a degree and a board).

26 July 2022
Latest Updates
  • Improvement made in the Institute name.
  • Extraction of Aggregate Value (GPAX, CAT, WAT) type has Improved.
  • Improvement in the Extraction of Institute in English (junk data extracted in table format education), E.g. - (Education School, Universität Scholar).
  • Extraction of Certification has been Improved.
7 July 2022
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Url is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Address is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of the Multiline period is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Name, Address, and personal detail in the Korean Language is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Education Segregation in the Korean Language Improved.
  • The Extraction of Experience Segregation in the Korean Language Improved.
  • The Email address Extraction, if mentioned in multiline (English Language), Improved.
  • The Extraction of the Multiline period for Aal language is now Improved, e.g., 2019 - RChilli, Software Developer 2020.
  • The Extraction of the city, if the city is also a Country, is now Improved, e.g., Albania is also a city and country.
7 July 2022
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Street addresses in the Russian language is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of the Present period, if mentioned in multiline in the Russian Language, is now Improved.
26 June 2022
Latest Updates
  • For Romanian Language Resumes, Parsing is now Available.
  • The Extraction of Aggregate Type (i.e. C.P.I Aggregate) is now Improved.
16 June 2022
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of the Job Periods in the Experience Section is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Employer and Job profiles in Dutch is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Names in the Russian Language is now Improved.
  • Implemented Dynamic API Setting in the API Request. For more information, click here
14 June 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of the Candidate Name is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of the Single Job Period in the Experience Section is now Improved.
6 June 2022

Latest Updates

  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of the present Period for Spanish and Polish Language.
  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of Current Employer and Job Profile.
  • Parsing is now available for the Swedish Language Resume.
25 May 2022

Latest Updates

  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of Job Period in Experience Block.
  • The Extraction of the Candidate Email Address is now Fixed for the space in between the domain name (e.g. john@gma
17 May 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Name in LinkedIn Resume is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Employer and Job Profiles in the Russian Language is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of the Present Job Period (if mentioned in multiline) in the Russian Language is now Enhanced.
  • The Extraction of the Total Year of Experience in the English Language is now Enhanced.
16 May 2022
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Experience Block, if the block is mentioned without Heading in the Romanian Language, is now Improved.
  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of Degree and Normalize degree.
  • Enhancements were made in the Extraction of Education if mentioned in the tabular format.
  • Resume parser version 8.1.0 implemented (for Employer Formatted Name, Job Profile Ontology)
10 May 2022
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Employer or job profile in the Russian Language is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Invalid Period is Fixed.
  • The Extraction of Aggregation in Education is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Education Block, if mentioned without Section Heading, is now Improved.
5 May 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Employer and Job profiles for the Romanian Language is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Period (if job period mentioned with start date, end date) in the English Language is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Job Period (e.g., YYYY Month - Month YYYY, YYYY hasta Month YYYY) is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Education, Degree, and Education period in the Romanian Language is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Name In Linkedin Resume is Improved.
2 May 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Personal Details for the Russian language is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Job profile and employer in all languages Improved.
  • The Extraction of Period in the Dutch language is now improved.
  • Improvement in the extraction of Blocks for the Dutch Language.
  • The Extraction of Employer Name, job profile Name (If mentioned with Heading in the Dutch Language) is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of the Job Profile for the Dutch Language is now Improved.
24 April 2022
Latest Updates
  • Enhancements made in Extracting Candidate Address (e.g., New York City, New York).
  • The Extraction of Job profiles is now Improved.
  • Improvement in the Job Period in the Spanish language.
  • The Extraction of Employer and job profile (if mentioned with Heading) in the Russian language is now improved.
  • Improvement in the extraction of Institute Name ( if any city Name found in between Institute Name) in the Russian language.
  • Improvements made in The Extraction of Candidate Name.
  • The Extraction of Job Period (if mentioned in Multiline) for all languages is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of the present Period in the Russian language is now Improved.
15 April 2022
Latest Updates
  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of Job Periods for the Russian language.
  • Improvements made in the Extraction of the Present period (mentioned in multiline).
  • Improvements made in the Extraction of Education and Experience Blocks.
8 April 2022
Latest Updates
  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of Job Periods in the Experience Section for French, Japanese, Russian, and English Language.
  • The Extraction of Phone Numbers is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Degree is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Language Known for Italian Language Resume is Improved.
  • The Extraction of the Candidate's Name for LinkedIn Resume Fixed.
22 March 2022
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of ZipCode (Address) is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Language Known is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Single Job Periods is now Improved.


16 March 2022
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Job Periods for the Russian Language is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Candidate Name (if Name contains CityName) is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Phone Number is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Address for the Spanish Language is Improved.
8 March 2022
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Job Periods is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Candidate Name for the Japanese Language is Fixed.
  • The Extraction of Phone Number for Spanish and Portuguese Language is Improved.
  • The Extraction of Employer Name (if City is mentioned in between Employer Name) is Fixed.
24 February 2022
Latest Updates
  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of Language Known for the Indonesian Language.
  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of Degree Name for Spanish and German Language.
  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of the Periods for Education and Experience Section.
17 February 2022
Latest Updates 
  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of Normalize Degree.
  • Enhancements made the Extraction of the Education Block.
  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of the Employer Location in Experience Section.
7 February 2022
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of the Job Periods for Education and Experience (e.g., 10th -3rd-2020 to 25th-2nd-2021) is now Fixed.
  • The Extraction of Phone Number of the German Country is now Fixed.
  • The Extraction of City and State in the Experience Section is now Improved.
  • The Extraction of Education block (if mentioned without section heading) is now Improved.
31 January 2022

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Job Periods (e.g., June 2018 up to date July 2020, 2016 tew 2018) Fixed.
  • The Extraction of Blocks (for jumbled-up headings) Fixed.
  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of Projects.


19 January 2022
Latest Updates
  • The extraction of Qualification Block is now enhanced. 
  • The extraction of Job Profiles in the Experience Block is now enhanced.
6 January 2022
Latest Updates
  • Enhancements have been made in extracting the Address.
  • Improvements have been made in extracting the Job Periods and Employer Name for Experience.
4 January 2022
Latest Updates
  • The extraction of Job Periods for the Experience Block is enhanced.
  • The extraction of the Employer for the Chinese Language is improved.
  • The extraction of the Phone Number is enhanced.
30 December 2021
Latest Updates
  • The extraction of Qualification Periods enhanced.
  • The extraction of the Job Period (mentioned in multi-line) in the Experience Section improved.
  • The extraction of Specialization in Qualification Block is now enhanced.
29 December 2021
Latest Updates
  • Enhancements have been made to extract Job Periods (Mentioned with Heading, i.e., Start Date, End Date).
  • Enhancements have been made to extract Language Known and Address for the Indonesian Language.
  • Improvements have been made in the extraction of the Candidate Name.
23 December 2021

Latest Updates

For the Indonesian Language, the extraction of the following enhanced:

  • The Institute/University Name
  • The Employer Name
21 December 2021
Latest Updates
  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of the Gender field.
  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of Employer and JobProfile for the Tabular Format.
  • Apache Log4j Removed from the API (due to instability of the Log4j Library)
16 December 2021
Latest Updates
  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of the Education Block for the Dutch Language.

  • The issue pertaining to the Apache Log4j Vulnerability resolved
14 December 2021
Latest Updates
  • Enhancements were made in the Extraction of Language Known for the Dutch Language.

  • Improvements made in the Extraction of Employer names for the Chinese and English Languages.

  • Enhancements made in the Extraction of Institute name for the Chinese Language.
07 December 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Personal Information Improved for the Arabic Language.
  • The Extraction of Candidate Name and Job Period Improved for the Portuguese and Indonesian languages.
  • The Extraction of Job profiles Improved for the Arabic Language.
01 December 2021
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Personal Information Improved for the Arabic Language.
  • The Extraction of Qualification Detail Improved for the Arabic Language.
30 November 2021
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Institute Name, Degree Name Improved for the Arabic Language.
  • The Extraction of Pan Number and Phone Number Improved for the English Language.
  • The Extraction of Certification Title Improved.
10 November 2021
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Job Profiles Improved.
  • The Extraction of Candidate Name Improved for the English Language.
  • The Extraction of Certification Start Date and End Date Improved.
2 November 2021
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Job Description Field Improved.
  • The Extraction of Job Periods Improved for the Spanish and Polish languages.
  • The Extraction of Employer Improved for the Italian and English Language.
  • The Extraction of Degree Names Improved.
27 October 2021
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of University Name and Degree Improved for the Arabic Language.
  • The Extraction of Address (with Heading) Improved for the Italian Language.
  • The Extraction of Job Periods Improved for the Arabic Language.
  • The Extraction of Marital Status Improved for the Portuguese Language.
  • The Extraction of "LanguageKnown" Improved for English, Spanish and German Languages.
22 October 2021
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Institute and Sub-Institute Improved in Qualification.
  • The Extraction of Start Date and End Date in Experience Improved for the Polish Language.
  • The Extraction of Job Period Improved for the English Language.
  • The Extraction of Address Improved for the German Language.
  • The Extraction of Contact Numbers Improved.
14 October 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Employer Improved for the Polish Language
  • The Extraction of Job Periods Improved for the Spanish Language.
  • The extraction of Phone Numbers Improved for the German Language.
  • The Extraction of Degree Name and Aggregate Value in Qualification Improved for the Portuguese Language.


13 October 2021
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Single Job Period Improved
  • The Extraction of Visa Status and Address Improved for the English Language.
  • The Extraction of Institute Name Improved for the Portuguese Language.
  • The Extraction of Phone Number Improved for the Spanish Language.
7 October 2021
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Job Profiles, if it is mentioned with Branch Like: "Senior Associate, Forensics", "Graduate Associate, Technology and Operations” etc. Improved.

  • The Extraction of Candidate Name, Address and Salary (Expected and Current Salary) Improved.

  • The Extraction of Employer for the Chinese Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Experience Block Improved.

  • The Extraction of Language Known for the French Language Improved.
5 October 2021
Latest Updates
  • The Extraction of Job Periods Improved for the Chinese and English Language

  • The Extraction of Degrees Improved in Qualification

  • The Extraction of Address Improved for Spanish and German Language

  • The Employer and Job Profile Extraction Improved for the LinkedIn Resumes
29 September 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Employer and JobProfile Improved for English Language Resumes.

  • The Extraction of Aggregate Value in Qualification Improved for English Language Resumes.

  • The Extraction of Experience Block Improved.

  • The Extraction of Employer Name Improved for Italian Language Resumes.
23 September 2021

Latest Updates

  • Performance is Improved for the PDF Resumes.

  • The Block Extraction Improved.

  • The Extraction of Aggregate Values Improved in the Qualification Section.

  • The Improvement made in the Extraction of Addresses mentioned
    in the Tabular Format.

  • The Extraction of Name and Address for Portuguese and Italian Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Job Profiles for Spanish and German Languages Improved.

  • The Extraction of Job Periods for the Chinese Language Improved.
17 September 2021

Latest Updates 

  • Performance Optimization of Parser

  • The Extraction of Employer Name and Job Profile Improved.

  • The Extraction of Degrees Name Improved.

  • The Extraction of Address (Candidate's Address) Improved.

  • The Extraction of Education and Experience Improved for LinkedIn Resumes.

  • The Extraction of Linkedin URLs Improved.
15 September 2021

Latest Updates

  •  Performance Optimization for Encrypted Database.
  • Updated ONet Database
  • Updated Esco Database.

14 September 2021

Latest Updates

  • Performance Optimization of Parser

  • The Extraction of Education Periods Improved for the Japanese Language

  • The Extraction of Job Periods Improved in the Experience Section for the Spanish Language.

  • The Extraction of Languages (LanguageKnown) Improved for German and Spanish Language.

  • The Extraction of Name (Candidate Name) Improved

  • The Extraction of Employers Improved for the Polish Language.

  • The Extraction of Address Improved for the German Language.
8 September 2021

Latest Updates

  • Performance Optimization of Parser Improved

  • The Extraction of University Name in Qualification Improved

  • The Extraction of Address & Job Periods Improved for the Portuguese Language

  • The Extraction of Phone Numbers Improved for the Spanish Language

  • The Extraction of Candidate Names Improved for the Chinese language

  • The Extraction of Experience and Education Block Improved

  • The Normalization of Job Periods Fixed for the Japanese Language
31 August 2021

Latest Updates 

  • The Extraction of Qualification Improved for Russian and Dutch Language.

  • The Extraction of Job Periods Improved for Chinese, Spanish, and German Languages.

  • The Extraction of Employer Name Improved for the German and Spanish Language.

  • The Extraction of Job Profiles (mentioned with heading) Improved for the Chinese Language.

  • The Extraction of Candidate Name Improved.
25 August 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Degree Name and Institute Improved for the Dutch Language.

  • The Extraction of Formatted Job Period Fixed for the Japanese Language.

  • The Extraction of Percentage Improved in Qualification.
Following Improvements for the Russian Language:
  • The Extraction of Languages (LanguageKnown) Improved.

  • The Extraction of Job Periods for Experience Block Improved.

  • The Extraction of Degrees Improved.
23 August 2021

Latest Updates 

  • The Performance of the Parser is optimized.
  • The Extraction of Job Period ( for a format like mm-mm.dd) Improved.
  • The Extraction of Start Date and End Date Improved for the Polish Language.
  • The Extraction of Candidate Name Fixed.
18 August 2021

                             Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Languages (LanguageKnown) for the French and Spanish Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Phone Numbers for the Italian Langauge Improved.

  • The Extraction of Job Profiles for the Spanish Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of the Experience Block Improved.
13 August 2021

Latest Updates

  • Improvement Made in the Extraction of Address for the Portuguese Language
  • Improvement Made in the Extraction of Job Periods (education and Experience) in the Chinese Language.
  • Improvement Made in the Extraction of Address for the Spanish Language
  • Improvement Made in the Extraction of Email Addresses (e.g., abc@mail . c o m)
10 August 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Employer and Job Profile from the Description/Responsibility Block(mentioned with Bullets/Hyphen) For Multilingual Resumes Improved.

  • The Performance of Parser Improved.
    The Extraction of Qualification Periods in the Japanese Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Personal Information in the Dutch and Russian Languages Improved.

  • The Extraction of Job Periods for the Spanish and Russian Languages Improved.
4 August 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Address for the French Language & Qualification Periods for the Portuguese Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Job Periods of Experience Block for the Japanese Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Personal Information for the Russian Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Periods of Education and Experience for the Russian Language Improved.
30 July 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Job Period in the English Language Improved

  • The Extraction of Formatted Job Period of Japanese Language.

  • The Extraction of Resume Country Fixed.

  • The Extraction of Address Portion for the Russian Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Job Periods in the Portuguese, Chinese, Russian and Spanish Languages Improved.

  • The Extraction of Personal Information for the Russian Langauge Improved.

  • The Extraction of Multi-line Degrees for PDF Files Improved.
26 July 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Job Profiles for the Japanese Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Job Period for Chinese & Spanish Langauge Improved.

  • Nationality Extraction for the Russian Langauge Improved.

  • The Extraction of Candidate's Address Improved.
21 July 2021

Latest Updates 

  • The Extraction of Job Period (start date and end date), e.g., 09/2016 - Até o momento for the Portuguese Language Improved.

  • The Extraction of Employer Name if Mentioned with Keyword like SA DE CV in the end for the Portuguese Language (e.g., INFRA S.A. DE C.V) Improved.

  • The Extraction of the following Job Periods(start date, end date, and formatted job period) Improved :
    1) 2011. 04. 01.-2014. 05. 30.2011.
    2) febr. 01.- present
    3) Winter, 2020 / Summer, 2020
  • The Extraction of Swedish Phone Numbers Improved.

  • The Resumes Contains the String/Text Without any Line Break Fixed, the Process for Sentence Tokenization Implemented for such a Scenario.

  • The Extraction of Experience Block Improved.

  • The Resumes are Fixed; if the Average of Words Founded Per No of Lines is Less than three or the average of Characters Founded Per No of Lines is Greater than 1000, the Error Response will be returned with the Error Code: 1014.
15 July 2021

Latest Updates

  • Improved Made in the Extraction of Experience Block through the Present Period is Not Mentioned.
  • The Extraction of Portuguese Job Period like maio 2007 a outrubro 2007 is Fixed.
23 June 2021

Latest Updates 

  • The Extraction of Employer Name for the Portuguese Language Improved.
  • The Extraction of Keyword-Based Profiles/Employers Extraction for Multilingual Resumes Improved.
  • The Spanish Job Period Extraction Improved for the Following Formats:

    FECHA DE INICIO,FECHA DE RETIRO,Fecha de inicio in multiple lines.
    Enero 05 de 2017-Enero 15 de 2018
  • Japanese Job Periods Extraction Improved.
  • Autocompletion Algorithm Improved for Employer Name if Detect Half by Models for the Spanish Language. 
  • The French Job Period Extraction Improved for the Following Format:

Juillet 2007 , Novembre 2007 (separated with comma)

  • Extraction for the Italian Phone Numbers Fixed.
7 June 2021

Latest Updates

  • Extraction of Job Period (Start Date, End Date) in Experience for the Spanish Language Improved
    i. septiember 2018 al 29 julio de 2019
    ii. SEP. 2007 a nov .de 2010
    iii. 01/12/2001 hasta 01/08/2019

  • Extraction of Job Period (Start Date, End Date) in Experience for the Portuguese Language Improved
    i. 03/02/2014 saída 04/05/2015
    ii. JANEIRO DE 2016 - ATÉ JUNHO DE 2016

  • Extraction of Job Period (Start Date, End Date) in Experience for the French Language Improved
    i. De février 2019 à - juin 2019

  • Extraction of Marital Status for the Spanish Language Improved

  • Extraction of ZipCode for the French Language Improved

  • Extraction of address (if Date Of Birth UR. 03.05.1998 pattern is extracted in StreetAddress) for Polish Language Fixed.
20 May 2021

Latest Updates 

  • The Extraction of Project Details Improved
  • The Extraction of the Multiline Job Period for Japanese Language Improved
  • The Extraction of Organization Name (Eg. if mentioned with Pvt., Ltd ) for Chinese Langauge Improved
  • The Extraction of the Date of Birth ( Eg. 昭和 53 年 5 月 30 日生(満 41 歳)) and Phone Number for the Japanese Language Improved
  • The Extraction of the following Job Period for Japanese Language Improved:
    i. 2016 年 11 月~現在迄 (From November 2016 to the present)
    ii. 2006 年 9 月~現在 (September 2006-present)
  • The Extraction of Job Period like 10/2019 - Aktuell for German Langauge Improved
  • The Extraction of Job Period like June 06/2020 - October 10/2020 Improved
  • The Extraction of Date of Birth for the Format - dd:MM:yyyy (Eg. 20:04:1006) Fixed
3 May 2021

Latest Updates 

  • The extraction of Skill, Education, and Experience block for Microsoft Resume Format improved.
  • The extraction of the Start Date, the End Date of Education for Chinese Resumes improved.
  • The extraction of Nationality and Employer names for the Chinese Language improved.
  • The extraction of the Candidate Name, Phone Number, and Gender for the Japanese Language improved.
  • The Address and Job profile Issue for the French Langauge fixed.
  • The extraction of the following Job Periods present in both Education and Experience improved:
    i. 2019/10 2016/20, i.e., No Splitter is mentioned in between date.
    ii. From November 26, 2012, to December 18, 2015
    iii. 20May2020 to 30June 020, i.e., No space between day, month, and year
    iv. Since May 20, 2020
    v. 2020 - 02 - till
  • The extraction of the Education period like - 2020 - 02 - 2020 - 10 improved.
22 April 2021

Latest Updates

  • Improvement made in performance optimization of parser
  • Improvement in the fetching of Employer Location (city) if the City Name is also the Last Name like Elizabeth, Jackson, etc. Eg.  Elizabeth, NJ will now be extracted.
  • Date of birth extraction for the Japanese language improved
  • Extraction for the candidate name, address, website improved for the Polish language
  • Improvement made in extraction for the job period like:
    i) Aug. 15, 2020 - Present
    ii)Sommer 2019
    iii) Julio 12 de 2009 – Enero 02 de 2012 or Octubre 1/2016 - Enero 15/2017
  • Extraction of Social URL included (like LinkedIn, Facebook, Indeed, Skype) from the whole resume, previously we are extracting it only from the personal block and the top details
6 April 2021

Latest Updates

  • Candidate name issue fixed in PDF resumes if mentioned on the right side, e.g., John M. Deo (i.e., with Father Name)
  • Extraction of job period improved for the format like - MM’01-MM’08
26 March 2021

Latest Updates

  • Performance Optimization of the Parser Improved
  • Job Period Extraction for the Period like March 2020 - Continue Improved 
  • Project Name Extraction in Experience Improved 
18 March 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of the Job Period Like - 2018 -present till (i.e When 'Present' and 'Till' Dates Mentioned Together) Improved.
  • The Extraction of Institute Names for Education Improved.
  • The Extraction of Candidate Name for LinkedIn Resumes Fixed. 
5 March 2021

Latest Updates

  • The Extraction of Personal Information for the Japanese Language Improved

  • The Extraction for Japanese Education Improved

  • The Extraction of Job Period in Experience if Mentioned with Heading Start Date and End Date. Eg. Start Date: October 2020 End Date: December 2020 Fixed
1 March 2021

Latest Updates

  • Improvement made in Extraction of Start/End Date for Experience and Candidate name and address for the Japanese Language

  • Indeed Resumes for Contact Information Improved

  • Extraction of Start Date, End Date, and FormattedJobPeriod for the Job Period (like August 2020 through November 2020) Improved.

  • Extraction of Education Period Fixed for Period mentioned like 2006 (2002 - 2006).

  • Job Periods like April 2014 May 2015 are Fixed, i.e., no splitter is Mentioned inbetween period.
16 February 2021

Latest Updates

  • Employer Extraction for Japanese and Chinese Languages Improved.
  • Improvement made in the logic used for the Calculation of Total Work Experience.
  • Job Period Extraction for the Portuguese Languages Improved.
  • Extraction of Education Improved for
    Passport detail extraction (Passport Number, Date of Issue, Date of Expiry, and Place of Issue) and Visa for Spanish, Italian, Polish, German, Chinese Language are Fixed.
3 February 2021

Latest Updates

  • New Profile Keywords are added for Japanese Resumes.
  • Improvement made in the candidate name extraction for the PDF resume in column format.
  • The education portion improved.
  • Formatted phone number fixed for Singapore.
  • Period extraction improved for the pattern like 2020-02-2021-01 in education.
21 January 2021

Latest Updates 

  • Following Improvements Made for Japanese Resumes:
    Fetching of Job Periods
    Extraction for Start and End Date
    Extraction of Employer Name
  • Period Extraction Improved for Job Period Like- Mar 2020, Jan 2021
13 January 2021

Latest Updates

  • Job Period Data Extraction for the Portuguese Language Improved
  • Address Issue Fixed if 3-4 words Certification is Extracted in Address
8 January 2021

Latest Updates 

  • Fetching of Jobs Periods for the French and Polish Languages Improved
  • JobProfile Values Refined for the Spanish and Polish Resumes
  • Extraction Name of the Employer Name for the Spanish Language is Improved
  • Address Extraction for the German Language Improved
  • The Period Like 2017 April-2017 October for Education Fixed.
24 December 2020

Latest Updates

  • Employer Extraction for the English Language Improved.
  • Contact Name Extraction Fixed if it is Extracted from Mid of Text for Multilanguage.
  • City Name Extraction improved if Mentioned in the Top of JDs with Company Name for Multilanguage JD.
  • Block Extraction (i.e. About Organization and Responsibility) for the French Language Improved. 
23 December 2020

Latest Updates

  • Job Period Extraction for the Spanish Resumes Improved
  • Extraction of Addresses for French Resumes Improved
  • Job Profile Extraction for the Portuguese Language Improved
10 December 2020

Latest Updates

  • Added Age Limit in Version 3.1
  • Contact Name Extraction Improved
  • Company Name Extraction for German JD Improved
  • Responsibility Block Extraction for Multilanguage JD Improved
11 December 2020

Latest Updates

  • Job period Extraction for the Dutch Language improved. For Example: (februari 2015 tot 1 juli 2016 and augustus 2014 t/m januari 2015).
  • Jobprofile Extraction for Portuguese Resumes Improved.
  • Start/End Issue Fixed for Date Patterns Defined like 2016 Feb to June 2016.
  • Reconversion of PDF Fixed.
  • Improvement made in Dutch Address and Name
  • Reconversion of Scanned PDF Resumes Fixed.
  • Implementation Made on New Methods Skill & JobProfile of AutoComplete

  • JobPeriod Extraction for the Pattern Like Aug 2020 up to November 2020 Improved.

  • Issuing Date Extraction for the Certifications Improved. 

27 Novemeber 2020

Latest Updates 

  • Job profile and employer name extraction for the Italian and German languages improved.
  • Improvement made in the extraction of nationality and marital status for the German language.
  • Address extraction for the Spanish language improved
  • URL’s of all the social websites will remain the same. Previously, the URL type was the value extracted from the resume itself if mentioned.

     E.g. [LinkedIn:] type =  LinkedIn and now it's constant, URL type =  "Linkedin".


24 November 2020

Latest Updates 

  • Improvement Made in Language Extraction for Multilanguage JD
  • Extraction for 'About Organization' Improved 

18 November 2020

Latest Updates 

  • Employer/Job Profile Extraction for Italian and Portuguese Languages Improved
  • Portuguese Employer Location Extraction Improved
  • Job Period Extraction for the Portuguese Language Improved
  • The Hebrew Language is now supported with the 8.0.0 version (previously, it was with the 7.0.0 version).
30 October 2020

Latest Updates

  • Improvement made in the Italian job profile and employer name extraction
  • Block extraction improved, for example, if tab comes in between the keywords like Professional \t Experience, Professional \t Summary, etc.
  • Unwanted characters like -,:, A coming at the beginning of job profiles are filtered in profile names
  • Annotations are added in the detail resume if mentioned
  • Name and language extraction for Polish resumes improved
20 October 2020

Latest Updates

  • Improvement made in experience block extraction
  • Job profile and job period extraction for the French language improved
  • Job period extraction improved if written as \tJune 2011 - September 2014
  • Subject overlapping in the education field is improved. For example: if a candidate has two subjects in its resume, ‘Digital Marketing' and 'Marketing’, only Digital Marketing was extracted, but with new updates, both subjects will be extracted.
06 October 2020

Latest Updates

  • Improved Chinese Education Extraction for Degree/University
14 September 2020

Latest Updates

  • Issue fixed for education dates like 2010.06-2011.07 and 2003-07 for the start and end date.

  • Improvement made in the keywords by ignoring the thesis names for multilingual (Like Master Thesis)

  • Subdomain for website URL included.

  • Improvement made in Chinese name and education

  • Job period extraction improved if defined in multiline

  • Advancement made in nobility particles for name extraction

  • Accurate allocation for Major/minor and subject in education

31 August 2020

Latest Updates

  • 8-digit phone number format added for Gulf countries
  • Improvement made in Spanish personal information
  • Improvement did in job period extraction having a tab in between like 1998 \t 2000
  • Spanish month patterns added to improve the period extraction in Spanish resumes
21 August 2020
Latest Updates 
  • Extraction for German Language Employer/Profiles Improved.
  • Error Logging Management Improved.
  • Job Period Extraction for The Spanish Language Improved.
  • The extraction of dates improved. Now, dates like 9.96-04.98 can easily be fetched.
  • Extraction of multiple profiles started given with the keywords as roles handled, roles played, etc.
  • Noise in employer name extraction was removed (For Example, ‘Last company HCL’ or ‘Working with IBM’).

  • Improvement was made in the extraction of data by ignoring the wrong date tagging when coming like ‘Exchange 2010/2013.’

4 August 2020

Latest Updates 

  • Organization Name Extraction from Resumes Improved
  • Chinese Job Period Extraction Improved
  • Employer Location Extraction Improved
  • Employer Profile Mapping Improved
  • Fixed German Executive and Management Summary
  • Improved Employer-Profile Extraction If Defined Without a Date Range Like April 2014, June 2019, etc.


16 July 2020

Latest Updates

  • Accuracy of Spanish Resumes Improved.
  • Total Experience in the Year/Month Extraction Improved.
  • Chinese and Spanish Job Period Extraction Improved.
3 July 2020

Latest Updates 

  • LinkedIn Resumes Accuracy Improved
  • Europass Resumes Accuracy Improved
  • Education and Experience Extraction for Spanish and Portuguese Language Resumes Improved.
24 June 2020

Latest Updates 

  • Bug Fixing Done for the End Dates if given as “May June 2019”.
  • Job Period Extraction Bug Fixed.
  • Education Extraction Improved for
    French and German Language.
  • Skill Keywords Extraction Improved for Polish and Spanish Language.
9 June 2020

Latest Updates 

  • Improvement Made in Employer Name and Location Extraction

  • Job Profile Extraction Improved

  • Accuracy of PDF Resume Files Improved

  • French Job Period Extraction Improved

  • Improvement Made in Education and Experience Period for Spanish

  • Spanish Employer Name Extraction Improved

2 June 2020

Latest Updates

  • Improvement Made in Polish Resume Education Extraction

  • Improvement did in Spanish Resume for PDF Conversion

  • Personal Information Improved for Spanish Resume

  • Spanish and Polish Language Jobperiods Extraction Improved

  • Job Profile Extraction Improved for Polish and Spanish Language

  • Employername Extraction Improved for the Spanish Language

20 May 2020

Latest Updates

  • Deep Learning Models Introduced for the Polish Language for Improved Entities Extractions.
  • Polish Job Period Extraction Improved.
  • Improved Performance Optimization
  • Personal Information Improvement made for the Polish Language.
4 May 2020

Latest Updates

  • Improvement made in Job Period Extraction for Polish Resumes.
  • Improvement made in Extracting Job Profiles if Written in the Same Line i.e Programmer 2014-2016, Sr. Programmer 2016-2018.
  • Improvement made in Employer Name, Job Profile Extraction for Polish Resumes.
22 Apr 2020

                       Latest Updates

  • Job Profile and Employer Extraction for French, Italian, Turkish Resumes improved.
  • Job Period Extraction improved for French, Italian, Turkish Resumes.
  • Europass Multilingual Parsing Improved.
  • Personal Information like Name and Address for Multilingual Resumes improved.
15 Apr 2020

Latest Updates

  • Improvement made in LinkedIn Resume Parsing
  • Improvement made in Normalize Degree.
  • Improvement made in Degree's Specializations.
18 Mar 2020
Latest Updates
  • Improvement made in Multi-line candidate name extraction.
  • Improvement made in German and French employers and job profile extraction.
9 Mar 2020

Latest Updates

  • Multilingual LinkedIn Resume Parsing Improved.
  • Job Period Extraction improved for Russian Resumes.
21 Feb 2020

Latest Updates

  • Added new keywords for dates in french Aujourd’hui for fetching dates like "Nov 2016. – Aujourd’hui".
  • Added new splitters like "à fin, À" for dates like Juin 2018 à fin Juillet 2019, AVRIL 2018 À JUIN 2018
  • Experience description filed improved in the segregation of experience for LinkedIn resumes
  • French Degree date improvement made for e.g Septembre 2017 À November 2019
  • Improvement made in Linkedin format name extraction.
  •  Phone format setting for 9 digit phone improved w.r.t resume language e.g. when the location is not defined in France resume and phone no. is of 9 digit phone number is considered as of France.
  • Improvement made in Preserve brackets() in the final JSON output. e.g.   Ass.Engineer (Engineering Department)
  • Improvement made for address city extraction when city name with - e.g. city name like Noisy-le-Grand
10 Feb 2020
Latest Updates
  • Improvement made in German Language Dates Extraction
  • Improvement made in For Personal Information for Optional Fields
  • Improvement made in For Special Character (Breaking the Language JSON)
04 Feb 2020
Latest Updates 
  • Improvement made in Parallel Format PDF Text conversion.
  • Improvement made in Degree date format enhanced for dates like '04-16-09 or 05-11-2007'.
  • Improvement made in Name Extraction from new formats eg. name like MS Manoj Singh.
  • Improvement made in Experience accuracy.
  •  Improvement made in Education accuracy.
  • Improvement made in Bugfixing in normalize period

28 Jan 2020

Latest Updates 

  • Improvement made in Education date fixing for Portuguese resume.
  • Improvement made in Adding new splitters for dates i.e (á,até)for Portuguese resume.
  • Improvement made in Phone formatting if the phone is written with ISD code. eg (48) 98154-4522.
  • Improvement made in Special char([&:;\\(\\)']) issue fixing in Job Description.
  • Improvement made in UAE phone formate fixed. 
11 Dec 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Improvement made in fetching city, state, country if defined in multiline in the experience like Engineer September 2011 - September 2014
  • Improvement made in fetching country name if mentioned without city and state name like HAL Edgewood Technologies
    Reliability Engineer November 2008 - May 2010
09 Nov 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Footer data extraction from pdf files improved.
  • Improvement made in Passport number extraction.
  • Linkedin's new format name extraction improved.
  • Phone number and formatted phone number extraction improved
  • Education data extraction improved.
  • Nested employer extraction improved e.g. if candidate defined employer like :

    Brother International Corporation, Bridgewater, NJ
    Channel Manager (Central America and Caribbean)        June 2017 – Present
    Distribution Sales Account Representative                     April 2016 - May 2017
    Key Account Representative                                            July 2015 - March 2016

    RChilli will return it like :

    1 Employer - Brother International Corporation
        Job Title - Channel Manager (Central America and Caribbean)
        Job period- June 2017 – Present
        Job Location - Bridgewater, NJ

    2 Employer - Brother International Corporation
        Job Title - Distribution Sales Account Representative
        Job period- April 2016 - May 2017
        Job Location - Bridgewater, NJ

    3  Employer - Brother International Corporation
        Job Title - Key Account Representative
        Job period- July 2015 - March 2016
        Job Location - Bridgewater, NJ

    Another Example: -

HANESBRANDS, INC., Winston Salem, NC          2007 - 2019
Senior Manager, eCommerce                             2012 –2019
Search Engine Marketing Manager                     2007 – 2011

RChilli will return it like :

1   Employer - HANESBRANDS, INC.
    Job Title - Senior Manager, eCommerce
    Job period- 2012 –2019
   Job location- Winston Salem, NC

2  Employer - HANESBRANDS, INC.
    Job Title - Search Engine Marketing Manager
    Job period- 2007 – 2011
   Job location- Winston Salem, NC
21 Oct 2019

Latest Updates  

  • Fixing of slashes (//) coming at the end of job profiles.
  • Start extracting job period if written like April 2010-September in one line and remaining period 2014 in the next line.
20 Sep 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Improvement made on Summary block extraction.
  • Improvement made in the Formatted phone number.
11 Sep 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Email extraction improvement is done for emails having a symbol (+) like
  •  Passport number extraction improved.
19 Aug 2019

Latest Updates  

  • Projects mapping is defined without a period with employer defined without job period
  • Passport Number fixing
26 July 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Considering job periods fixing is done even if candidates write them in reverse order, i.e. (Aug 2018 -Mar 2014).
  • Address fixing is done for LinkedIn new format resumes.
19 July 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Years will be written as "April 2010-Aug" and 2011 in the next line.
  • Skill keywords added for oil and petroleum industries for category/subcategory search.
  • Tagging issue fixed in PDF pages.
15 July 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Issue fixed for month extraction if candidate defines only the year in a case where end year is the same as the current year (i.e., 2010-2019 ) here end year '2019' same as the present year '2019.'
  • PDF issue fixed for multiple '&'.
  • Tagging issue fixed for two simultaneous institutes.
04 July 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Improvement made in Turkish address extraction.
  • Improvement has done in Turkish personal information extraction improvement.
  • Pdf conversion improvement for personal information written in the column
  • Started parsing job periods like 2016-6/2017
20 June 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Emails and other personal information issues improved for document conversion.
  • Degree/Subject extraction optimization done.
  • The location issue fixed if the employer contains a location name.


05 June 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Employer City, State extraction improved when written without the comma.
  • Ignoring duplicate subjects from degree extraction.
  • Improvement made for incomplete subject and degree extraction.
24 May 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Improved USA address city extraction.
  • Improved algorithm for Degree Name, University Name, Employer, Job profile extraction.
  • Improved country name extraction for the employer along with it's ISO Code.
  • Starts extraction job periods defined in mixed format e.g 24/2/2014 to December 2014
08 May 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Amendments made in a multilingual common word for name extraction.
  • Amendments have done to combine multiple section headings into one heading like (Experience and training etc.). 
  • Danish resume fixed for address and name.
  • PDF header issue fixed.
02 May 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Single-word organization name improved when given with location detection.
  • Singapore address extraction improved.
  • Improved Parallel pdf parsing.
  • Fixed Date pattern like (May-18 till).
24 April 2019

Latest Updates 

  • Address extraction improved for better performance.
  • Improved date fetching patterns when dates written with tabs.
  • Improvements made for XML breaking in the education section under version 6.0.
  • Improvement made to ignore a single subject return when a degree or institute name is not available.
16 April 2019

Latest Updates 



1. Amendments have done in API to fetch experience portion if it comes under the skill or education section while parsing the data.

Amendments have done for the scenarios wherein:- 
* Experience headers are not defined by the candidate in the CV.
* PDF resumes with parallel formats.

If candidates CV defines some sections (Experience, Education, Skill, etc.) 
on the left side and some sections on the right side. Earlier, the parser was not fetching experience accurately in such a scenario.
Now we have made our parser to fetch the same across the CV's

2. Amendment did in the database for employer city issues while parsing.
04 April 2019

Latest Updates 



  1. Total Experience in year field has been fixed, previously date patterns like '09-4-2007' or '09/4/2007' were not properly calculated. Now it's being calculated perfectly based on the example mentioned.
  2. Improvement in "LanguageKnown" field extraction from resume.
Updated the displaying of companies name having "&" in them e.g "L & T".
28 March 2019

Latest Updates 



1. We have started considering job periods which are not properly mentioned by the candidates in resume neither in ascending order nor in descending order i.e (2001-2004, 2007-2008, 2005-2006).
2. We have implemented a check to return the highest total experience after comparing total experience mentioned in an entire cv with the help of "Keywords(e.g years of experience, Total experience of and calculated from job periods calculation.


Periods overlapping issues fixed i.e if the candidate has defined periods like 2001-2004 and 2004-2006, for such cases now we have started calculating experiences completely from the start of 2001 to the end of 2004 and then from 2005 till 2006.

22 March 2019

Latest Updates 


Improved Date Pattern Recognition: 
e started picking up following date patterns in resumes:
1) MM-YYYY-dd - MM-dd-YYYY
2) MM/dd/YYYY - dd/MM/YYYY
We have also implemented a new algorithm to fetch a single year written in four digits like (2008, 2010, 1998, etc.) and ignore other 4 digits numbers which are not year actually in resume.
15 Feb 2019

Latest Updates 



  • City/State Optimization for the Employer and Performance Enhancement.
  •  Console Log Print Control from Config for Debug and Production.
  • Gap Period Correction did for Overlapped Periods.
  • Fields Accuracy Improved w.r.t Resume Fixing.
  • Performance Improved in Optimizing Regex and Queries.
  • Improved made in PDF Conversion, now we will have Fewer PDF Conversion Issues Encounter.


  • Experience Description Correction.
  • Correction made in Personal Information.
  • Passing year of Education Degree Corrected.
  • Employer Name, City/State Corrected.
  • Fixed Small Letters Tagging of the Company Name, Profiles having to work as, working with.
  • Pick Emails having Spacing with '@'
  • Change in percentage logic.
  • Fixed Conflict with the dates.

11 Jan 2019

Latest Updates 



  • Case-sensitivity issue fixed for University, Institute, Degree, and Employer.
  • Added cities/Places found in Singapore
  • Address Extraction Logic Implemented for Singapore Places.
  • Remove Job-Profile only when Adjoining with the Name.
  • Changes made in Parsing Logs
  • Formatted Date for Education Changed.
  • Block Extraction made without a Section Heading.
  • Multi-Language Date Format.
  • Multiline Name Extraction Using Common Last Names.
  • Employer State Extraction.


  • Correction Made in UK Zip Code.
  • Phone Number Correction for French
  • HTML File Parsing Issue Fixed when Nobody Tag in HTML
  • Address Fixed for USA States when only City and State is Written.
  • Education Period Fixed.
  • Academy Extraction Issue Fixed.

22 Nov 2018

Latest Updates 


Enhanced the algorithm to extract Time period in Education Section.



Linked the Date Format(global setting) with Education section, 
so that customer requested date format for StartDate and EndDate of candidate qualification is parsed.


12 Nov 2018

Latest Updates 


 Personal Info:

The Algorithm Updation has done to Fetch Address from LinkedIn Resume Format.

 Experience Section:

The algorithm changed to Ignore the City/State Name before Employer Name.

02 NOV 2018

Latest Updates 


Updated Name parsing algorithm for doc type of resume:

Changes made in technique to extract the name from a resume(reparse in PDF format).

Accuracy Improved in Experience Block:

Change in the algorithm to Parse Employer Name and Job Profile Experience Block with Special Characters(i.e. @)


Updated Name Parsing Algorithm for LinkedIn Format Resume:

Now you will get Candidate's Name Parsed from Resumes in the LinkedIn Format.

24 OCT 2018

Latest Updates 


Updated Date Format for Job period:

Now in Date Format including the keyword 'since', e.g. since Feb 1996 - Jan 2002, we'll pick end date as well.

Addition in Job Profile Logic:

Now if multiple job profiles are mentioned together they'll be parsed together under one experience.

Changes in Education section algo:

Changes made in exception handling of issues and fetching of data from education.

18 OCT 2018

Latest Updates 


Experience Section Update:

Our expert team has enhanced the login to fetch:

  • Experience Summary, Skills from Experience Block.
  • Employer Name, Job Profile from Jumbled Up Work Experience with only One Job Period.

Addition in the Job Period formats:

Now you can Fetch JobPeriods, mentioned at the beginning of Experience Block, without Range like March 2004, 02/2014.

For Instance: Project Manager, RChilli Inc., March 2010

Employer Name Changes:

We proudly Announce Addition in the Formats of Names Parsed for Organization Name,

i.e. the First Letter of Name is Small followed by Capital Letter and so on.

For Instance: iReality

03 OCT 2018

Latest Updates 


  • Improvement made in About Organization and Responsibility
  • Now our Parser Discards 'About Organization' Section for Skill Extraction


Qualification Section :

  • Updated the Algorithm to Extract the Candidate's Education[Degree in Subject]
  • Updated the Fetching of Education Degree with Location
  • Improved the Process to Fetch Country Details
  • Upgraded our Parser for the Chinese Language
  • Changes in the Parser for Extraction of Address and Website from English-like Resumes



New Feature for Limited Users: Bulk Parsing of JDs and Normalization of Output.



Updated the Parser Algorithm for our Valuable Customers.


Updated the Parsing Logic with Special Characters.

Facet Resume Parsing Updated for our Valuable customer.

Updation of API for Escape Character and Candidate Image Extension.

04 SEPT 2018

Latest Updates 


Updated Experience Section: Updation made in the location extraction as listed in the resume.




Added New Response(output) Parameter: Now we Extract CustomId for our Valuable Customers [Version:]

The Recent Addition of Feature: Extract Address Location from Specific Resumes like LinkedIn Resume.
2nd November 2020

Latest Updates 

  • Deep learning new trained model implemented in JD parser
13th October, 2020
Latest Updates
  • Improvement in Degree and AboutOrganization Extraction for English JD
  • Optimization and Improvement inaccuracy
  • Improvement in Organization extraction for Multilanguage JD
31st August 2020
Latest Updates
  • Improvement in language extraction for Polish JD
  • Improvement in experience extraction for Italian JD
20th August 2020
Latest Updates 
  • Improvement for the Spanish JD
  • Improvement for Minimum and Maximum Experience for French JD
  • Improvement for Language and Min-Max Year Experience for German JD
8th August 2020

Latest Updates 

  • New version 3.1 added
13 October, 2020

Latest Updates

  • Optimizing Job Profiles with Prefix e.g. Sen. Sr. Senior, Sr, Junior, Jr. or etc
  • Unwanted Characters like -,.,:- Coming at the Beginning of Job Profiles are Filtered in Job Profile Names
20 August, 2020

Latest Updates

  • Implemented Multi-Language e.g. Spanish, French, German, Polish, Italian and etc.
  • Improve Response Time for Multi-Language.
Can I ask you a question?
Use the FAQ section of your site to answer those routine questions that always come up and need to be answered. This is a great way to tell us more about what you can offer, fill in some details that might intrigue us, and show us how knowledgeable and helpful you can be.