Experience Unbiased Hiring with RChilli

Resume Redactor API

Find top talent by removing bias from the recruitment process


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RChilli Redactor Remove unconscious bias from hiring

Remove unconscious
bias from hiring

RChilli Redactor Redact any resume in real-time

Redact any resume
in real-time

RChilli Redactor Redacts 57 fields of the resume

Redacts 57 fields
of the resume


RChilli Redactor Mask resumes before sending to the employer

Mask resumes before sending to the employer

RChilli Resume Redactor API 


RChilli Redactor Features


Remove and encode 57 fields categorized from Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Contact information, Nationality, Education, College name, Current Employer name, Past Employer name, and others.
Replace Company name with Domain/Sector of the company, Degree Name to Normalized Degree, and other changes to ensure the recruiter gets the correct information about the candidate.
Keep the candidate's resume in its original format as the candidate wants to submit.
RChilli Redactor Benefits


Removes the biased information from the resume.
Recruiters shortlist candidates based on skills and capabilities rather than biased parameters.
More relevant candidates are forwarded to the hiring manager.
Organizations increase diversity, and they hire based on talent.
Remove Unconscious Bias from Hiring with RChilli Resume Redactor API

Remove Unconscious Bias from Hiring with RChilli Resume Redactor API

Unconscious bias while hiring candidates happens when the recruiters unintentionally choose the candidates based on their preferences or likings. We, at RChilli, understand this challenge and offer an easy solution to promote unbiased hiring. Curious to know more about it?


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RChilli Resume Redactor API to Improve Diversity and Promote Skilled Candidate Hiring

Personal information on a resume like name, gender, candidate's image, etc. can impact an organization's hiring decisions in unconscious ways.

RChilli Resume Redactor API helps in removing unconscious bias from the recruitment process by allowing recruiters to select candidates based on skills and experience. It also helps the recruiting agencies in masking resumes before sending them to the employer.

The API can mask the following data fields:


RChilli redactor API can mask the name


RChilli redactor API can mask the email


RChilli redactor API can mask the gender


RChilli redactor API can mask the date of birth

Date of Birth

RChilli redactor API can mask the phone number

Phone Number


RChilli redactor API can mask the institution



RChilli redactor API can mask the Marital Status

Marital Status


RChilli redactor API can mask the salary

Current Salary


RChilli redactor API can mask the address



RChilli redactor API can mask the current employer

Current Employer


RChilli redactor API can mask the previous employer

Previous Employer


RChilli redactor API can mask the employee name

Employer Name


RChilli redactor API can mask the language known

Language Known


RChilli redactor API can mask the candidate image

Candidate Image


RChilli redactor API can mask the institute name

Institution Name

Want to know more about RChilli Resume Redactor API?

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