RChilli Partnership Program

Turnkey product enhancements + sales & technical support = value & revenue

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50+ Countries | 40+ Languages*  | Fast 300ms Parsing Speed



RChilli Partners differentiate their products and grow the bottom line.


What once was a relentless task to review individual resumes by hand was quickly relieved by the arrival of resume parser that greatly reduced the workload of many recruitment firms.

-Rupak Thummala, Chief Product Officer, Vultus Inc.

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RChilli will take care of your complete data migration, including documents, content, strategy, development. It is Seamless, Safe, and Secure.


Who Needs Data Migration?

Every ATS gets two types of customers. One who starts using ATS for the first time, and the other who is migrating from other ATS/CRM applications. 



  • Superior resume parsing, applicant matching and database updating tools

  • Sales & marketing support

  • Oracle- and salesforce-ready; ongoing technical/service support

  • Profitable sales margins and renewal bonuses



  • Recruiting automation for clients
  • High sales adoption rates
  • No-hassle integration
  • Incremental upsell opportunities


Enhance your value proposition
Help your clients process resumes in bulk, eliminate manual candidate creation, decrease applicant drop-off rates, and keep candidate databases fresh. RChilli’s recruiting tools parse resumes instantly, optimize applicant matching and update candidate profiles.


How can we help?

RChilli Partnership Program

Join our Partnership Program to help your customers instantly process and parse high resume volume and reduce time to hire. What's in it for you? Upsell revenue and renewal bonuses that will improve your bottom line.

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