Enrich Your Solr Search Engine with RChilli Taxonomy

by Vinay Johar

Make your Solr search engine more powerful with RChilli Taxonomy

Learn More About Taxonomy

“I am struggling with my Solr search engine. It offers limited search results. What do I do? The other day, I searched for 'Linux Developer' and got thirty relevant candidates in results.

However, what about the candidates who did not use this keyword in their resumes? They may be working on Linux in some form or the other?"

Do you often ask yourself these questions? 

Are you getting limited search results with your Solr? 

Are you looking to enhance your Solr search engine?

In your quest to make Solr more impactful, you may as well reason yourself and ask, "What if I can enrich Solr to give me better results?" 

Sure, you can, but Solr has its challenges and restrictions. It needs to undergo massive training and has a long development cycle for configuration and preparation. Is there a more straightforward solution that can enhance the search results of Solr? 

Yes, there is -  RChilli Taxonomy 3.0.

RChilli offers Taxonomy 3.0 to enrich the Solr search engine

RChilli Taxonomy is a compilation of skills and job titles that helps identify the expertise of a candidate. It offers more than one keyword to get quality results, rather than focusing on just one. Our Search & Match engine uses Taxonomy to deliver significant matches for resumes/jobs using keywords.

Think of RChilli Taxonomy 3.0 as a smart organizational tool for your search engine. It helps categorize and tag resumes on skills parameters, making searching and finding exactly what you need easier. Like a library that uses a catalog system to organize books, Taxonomy 3.0 organizes job-related data, thus improving the search results by up to 90%.

Let me explain this by taking an example: 

For the Job Profile of a Java Developer, Taxonomy offers aliases such as application developer java, back-end java developer, Core Java Developer, Java Application Developer, java back-end developer, java developer i, java developer ii, Java Product Engineer, Java programmer, java web developer, and software developer java.

As a result, it leads to more relevant and quality resumes/jobs. The Search & Match Engine matches resumes/jobs with these job aliases. Isn’t that wonderful?

Aliases offered by RChilli Taxonomy

Similarly, RChilli helps Solr with skills aliases as well. Consider this:

For the skillset: Java, Taxonomy offers alias such as Java 2, Java 6, Java Se, Java 2 Enterprise Edition, Java 7, Java 8

Therefore, leading to more relevant and quality resumes/jobs. The Search & Match Engine matches resumes/jobs with these skills' alias.

Skill Aliases offered by RChilli Taxonomy

Enhance the Resume/Job Searching Capability of the Users

See an exceptional improvement in your Solr search engine with Taxonomy 3.0. Implementing RChilli Taxonomy 3.0 can transform your HR processes by making candidate searches more accurate and efficient. 

It offers a comprehensive collection of skills, job profiles, and related information. This latest version brings a remarkable change in the resume/job searching capability of the users.

At present, RChilli Taxonomy offers 3M+ Skills and 2.4M+ Job Profiles. It supports 22 sectors and 1930 sub-sectors.

Would you like to know how to apply RChilli Taxonomy on your Solr instance?

Learn More About Taxonomy

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