Science behind Better Recruiting - Better Matching!

by dev

Recruiting Better Talent With Brain

Does your software/Jobboard claims to attract the top candidate, the best way possible, first and fast? Then, probably, you’re not the only one vouching for best talent today among the rise of startups vs. enterprise. 2017 year will witness the fiercest of talent war and to stay steady one must choose an automation strategy. Your Quick read to predictions 2017.

Recruitment businesses, who haven’t automated their hiring processes yet, will face delayed growth and progress in the year 2017. Today Recruiting software vendors and job boards need technology that can change recruitment, deliver customized services and bring delight back to hiring. The new demanded software should not alter existing systems, rather enhance their performance.

RChilli semantic solution proves to be a perfect add on in the current situation. With faster searches, you can do a quick automated candidate review and ranking. Semantic search lets you filter, review and rank candidates as per rules in a few seconds. This is yet another advantage of bringing automation to HR.

The most common hiring bottleneck today is inadequate data and poor filtering. Semantic Search with inbuilt CV parsing capabilities selects the best information from CV, classify them as per Industry norms and make them searchable for preferred roles.

Semantic empowers Job boards and ATS’s with power of filtering, reviewing and rating candidates against open positions. RChilli’s semantic search is a powered technology that works for any size at any level in the industry. Semantic unearth the value of your CV database and generate new value out of them, every time. Recommend jobs which are only relevant. Our semantic search system closely matches with skills, experience, qualifications and work history, before giving you the results.

We let you build a brand by showcasing the right talent not just any other candidate. RChilli is keen on proving to be a strategic partner for leading talent acquisition solutions and staffing companies. We are well connected with a cloud-based platform of HR technologies in the world. More than 1000 plus businesses around the globe have put faith in us and trusted our abilities to find the better talent in unique ways than other claims to be.

Stories that made the headlines in past week have a look!

  1. Job boards - Will LinkedIn ‘open candidate’ option affects the job boards? It is already.
  2. ATS - Get to know who is leading the pack in ATS Industry, a survey by Software advice.
  3. Staffing - Technology is driving success in staffing by wispapp.
  4. Enterprises - Meet challenges while deploying new HR technology via SHRM.

About CV Automation - $ 3 billion ATS market, isn’t it astounding? Huh! A big scope for all of us. CEO’s says people are the biggest asset; that’s correct. Long term differentiators for any business are its people today. In talent economy, hiring companies run more like sales and marketing, and that’s why now, a new segment of Recruitment Marketing has evolved.

To elevate Recruiting, stay away from spreadsheets, forgot one to one hiring on LinkedIn and reviewing profiles on Facebook. Automation can change the entire paradigm of your hiring, only if you are willing to step in. Companies invest in Recruiting like they do in sales to require more customer and that’s why automation is imperative.

What is your plan for 2017? How will you automate your hiring?

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