Job boards: Simplify Their Recruitment with RChilli’s Intelligent Solutions

by Snehil Sharma


Again, we have stepped into the same time of the year when we all sit and start talking about the next planning. Isn't it?

In 2020, we talked a lot about post-pandemic situations and how technology helps the industries to grow. So, does that mean it's time to move on to something else? I don't think so.

During this pandemic, I believe Job Boards and other recruiting agencies must be under a lot of pressure to source the perfect candidate from a limited talent pool. These platforms have the sole purpose of connecting candidates with different job opportunities. To overcome this pressure, recruiters or HR professionals need to think outside the box, especially when recruiters want to stand out from the competition.

At RChilli, we believe that job boards are the best source of finding the perfect fit for the organization. Sometimes, recruiters miss out on the perfect candidate by not searching the candidates with the right keyword or job title.

Here at RChilli, we provide the best solution to this problem through our intelligent solutions. 

Let's find out how RChilli can help employers as well as candidates in their search. 

The perfect way to attract top talent in the market is by providing an amazing candidate experience. Lengthy job applications are one of the main reasons candidates experience poor user experience that force them to switch to another website.

What if we shorten their job application process? 

Employers can solve this by using an AI tool like a resume parser that saves candidates time by fetching the data and filling the data fields automatically. Simultaneously, RChilli Search & Match Engine reduces their search time by bringing more job recommendations to candidates.

RChilli Search & Match Engine allows recruiters to search & match candidates and jobs with their flexibility. Our matching technology helps recruiters to choose candidates through synonyms matches related to their skill, domain, location, education, etc. 

Our Search & Match Engine automatically provides similar matches for Resumes/CV and JD/Vacancy in the following ways: 

  1. Resume to Resumes

    This feature recommends similar candidates whose resumes match a specific profile, helping recruiters identify potential hires with similar qualifications and experience.
  2. JD to Resumes

    It brings candidate recommendations for a specific job position, allowing recruiters to quickly find applicants who meet the job requirements.

  3. Resume to JDs
    This feature recommends job options to candidates based on their resume, helping them discover roles that align with their skills and experience.
  4. JD to JDs

    It provides similar job recommendations matching a specific job position, aiding recruiters in finding related job listings that may attract suitable candidates.

Imagine what will happen if the selected candidate doesn't accept the employer's job offer or doesn't show up? Will the employer go through the whole selection process again to find the new candidate? I don't think so. 

Employers can use our quick candidate recommendation and can get the new candidate in a fraction of the time. It will help them to close more jobs quickly.  

Providing the candidate with a quick JD/Vacancy match in real-time will help in retaining them as a user.   

The truth about our matching technology is that it has the power to change your recruiting game. Not adding such technologies as an asset in your recruitment process, I believe you are missing out. The moment you add these technologies to your processes, I am sure this will upgrade your recruiting process and provide remarkable results.

If you want to give a new direction to your recruitment process and achieve goals with just one click, let's talk.

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