Is Your Website Attracting Enough Candidates?

by Imrinder Singh

 Provide the best candidate experience

How do you feel when candidates leave your website? Read this article and know how you can resolve this challenge.

You will agree that the primary source of getting candidates is through your website career page. Whenever a candidate wants to apply for a job, the first instinct is to visit the company’s website and fill the application form. Thus, your career page becomes the face of your company when it comes to recruitment.

So, what do you think? Are you getting enough traffic of candidates to your website?

If no, these can be the reasons:

  • Your application form is too lengthy

Filling up long and never-ending application forms is a time-consuming and tiring process. A candidate expects to visit a website, read a job description and apply for a job in a few minutes. Nobody likes to spend hours or fill every single detail of their resume in columns. After uploading the resume, if the candidate has to fill in all the details again, he/she leaves the website and go to another one. This gives the candidate a negative experience.

60% of job seekers report they have quit an application due to its length or complexity

Source: talentadore

  • Your website is not mobile optimized

You cannot ignore the power of mobile. Everyone wants to complete their tasks on the go. Candidates apply for jobs from their smartphones. Thus, it is essential to make your website responsive to mobiles.

  • Your job description is unclear

Are candidates viewing your career page but not applying for the job position? What could be the reason? Either your job description is very lengthy, or it is too complicated for the candidate to understand.

After reading these reasons, ask yourself if you are doing enough to attract candidates towards your website?

If not, its time to look for a solution.

Your main focus should be to speed up the application process for the candidates. A resume parser is the end of this problem. Once the candidate uploads their resume, the parser automatically extracts information and populates the data fields. This saves the candidate from the tedious task of filling out each section individually, providing a seamless and efficient application experience. This positive experience will enhance candidate satisfaction and attract more traffic to your website.

Additionally, a JD parser can make your job descriptions more precise and easy to understand. Often, a job description may miss out on specific skills that a candidate is looking for, causing the description to be overlooked. The JD parser addresses this issue by using skill aliases to match your job openings with the relevant keywords, ensuring that your job postings reach the right candidates.

What are you thinking of? Grab this opportunity to attract maximum candidates towards your website.


Enhancing the candidate experience on your website is crucial for attracting top talent. Implementing advanced tools like resume parsers and JD parsers can significantly streamline the application process, making it more efficient and user-friendly. By automating data extraction and improving job description accuracy, you save candidates' time and increase the visibility of your job postings.

Embrace these technologies to create a more engaging and effective recruitment platform, ultimately driving higher traffic and attracting the best candidates to your website.

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