Made for Each Other: AI and Talent Acquisition

by Vinay Johar

RChilli Expands Global Hiring Capabilities with Support for Multiple Languages (9)Imagine what would happen if a few clicks simplify the process of talent acquisition!

I am talking about the power of Artificial Intelligence here. The success of a business depends upon its employees. Thus, choosing the right fit is crucial for every business.

As a recruiter, you deal with many issues such as unconscious bias. If you are looking at bringing diversity to your workplace, it is important to eliminate this issue.

What is Unconscious Bias?

Any kind of subconscious reservations or generalizations about race, age, gender, education, appearance, etc. while hiring results in bias. As this bias is not intentional, it gets difficult to identify the same. To make your talent acquisition process free from bias, using an effective AI solution will help.

The Ultimate Relationship of AI and Recruitment

With AI, recruiters can see a remarkable improvement in their recruiting process. Using recruitment analytics solutions, you can not only automate your hiring process but also add quality to your talent pool.

  • Remove Unconscious Bias

Let’s talk about how you can remove unconscious bias from recruitment. A resume parser can help you in doing so. As a parser extracts candidate information from resume and saves it in data fields, you have the choice to get information for the fields you want. Switch off the fields for which you do not wish to receive information. These fields must be related to the Personal Identifiable Information of the candidate such as age, gender, marital status, date of birth, candidate image, political faith, religious faith, etc. This configurable feature is useful in reducing bias.  

  • Provide an Amazing Candidate Experience

Candidates will leave your website if your application process is lengthy. AI again comes as a savior for employers and recruiters as HR Tech plugins can shorten this process. The candidates can upload their resume with a click, and these plugins can populate the fields automatically. Thus, your system can facilitate quick resume submissions, giving candidates a positive experience.

  • Get Quality Resume Matching Recommendations

How many times you had to screen candidates again because the selected one didn’t join you? In such a case, use solutions such as Semantic match and get quick & automated candidate recommendations matching a specific resume.

  • Update Your Passive Resume Database

Imagine if you can refresh your idle resume database with technology and get potential candidates from the same!

AI tools can help you enrich your candidate data and verify if their details are authentic. Also, get updated candidate information through their social profiles.

AI and talent acquisition are truly made for each other. By leveraging AI, recruiters can significantly enhance their hiring processes, reduce unconscious bias, and provide a superior candidate experience. Tools like resume parsers and HR Tech plugins streamline the application process, ensure unbiased candidate selection, and offer high-quality resume matching recommendations. Additionally, AI can refresh and enrich passive resume databases, ensuring that candidate information is always up-to-date.

Can I show you how HR Tech plugins can help you? Give us a shout.

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