Search & Match Engine 3.0:  Best Recruitment Analytic Solution for Recruiters and Candidates

by Snehil Sharma

Efficient, effective, and expert are the three perfect adjectives for Search & Match Engine, which HR tech vendors use to describe it. I am sure you have often heard and read that matching technology will revolutionize recruiter and candidate experience in the recruitment process. But how? 

Benefits of search & match to candidates-1

In our recent blogs, we have discussed a lot about RChilli's Search & Match technology that provides remarkable results for both recruiters and candidates. Our Search & Match Engine filters resume data according to global industry-standard ontologies and taxonomies. 

It has the power to bring a transformation in the recruitment process. 

Let's explore more about how our Search & Match Engine 3.0 helps you in the recruitment process.

RChilli Search & Match Engine 3.0  promises to deliver best-in-class features by providing the following matches:

a). JD to JDs

Job descriptions (JDs) that closely align with a specific job position are identified and recommended. This allows recruiters to swiftly pinpoint similar roles within the organization or industry, simplifying the process of outlining job requirements and expectations.

b). JD to Resumes

The engine brings more candidate recommendations for a job position by matching the job description with potential candidates' resumes. This helps recruiters identify the best-fit candidates efficiently, reducing the time spent sifting through irrelevant applications.

c). Resumes to Jobs

Our engine offers job recommendations tailored to candidates by aligning their resumes with available job positions. This feature aids candidates in discovering roles that best match their skills and experience, improving their job search experience and increasing their chances of finding the perfect fit.

d). Resumes to Resumes

Similar candidate recommendations are delivered by matching a specific resume or CV with others in the database. This helps recruiters identify potential candidates with comparable skills and experiences, promoting a more thorough and effective recruitment process.

Search & Match Engine 3.0 for Recruiters

Our intelligent solution provides recruiters an appropriate match based on search keywords indexed into their system. It also helps recruiters to rank their matching results of jobs against candidates.

Recruiters can easily get perfect candidates similar to the searched candidates in a fraction of time

Recruiters can also refine their search with the help of 'facets & filters’ through which they can easily find the perfect fit for their job opening. 

Search & Match Engine 3.0 for Candidates: 

Attracting candidates towards your job is a challenging task. But recruiters can easily do it by providing an amazing candidate experience with RChilli's intelligent solution.

Search & Match Engine 3.0 has an exciting feature that helps candidates to refine their profiles. Our intelligent solution provides a similar job profile alias to applicants while applying for the job opening. Candidates can add these job profiles that will increase their chance of getting selected. 

Read More: Is Search & Match the Answer to Finding the Perfect Candidate?

Discover a Few Benefits of Search & Match Engine 3.0

  • Helps recruiters to easily find the best fit through job title, location, education, skill mapping, and domain.
  • It saves screening time by considering the perfect matching of resumes.  
  • It broadens the approach of search capabilities.  
  • Recruiters can easily get the perfect candidates similar to the searched candidates in a few clicks. 
  • Recommend highly relevant top candidates to recruiters

RChilli's Search & Match Engine 3.0 allows to search & match candidates and jobs with flexibility. Its unique point is it quickly and easily cuts through massive volumes of potential candidates' details that help recruiters in finding the perfect candidates faster.  

If you want to give a boost to your recruitment process with our Search & Match Engine 3.0, then schedule a call right now. 

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