by dev


HRtech, TechHRconf, HRindia Futurism of the Workplace.


Futurism of the workplace; indeed this event showed India, the future and caliber of HR. Technology & HR from the beginning find difficulty in walking together but without one, the other will not move. So it’s always better to see them as companions but how? Let us see.

Asking questions have remained an easy job but not anymore. Instead solving the right challenges and addressing the key concerns are keeping companies busier today. Amidst all this, #TechHR event made the HR explode in technology space of India.

A fully-worth learning event for all HR’s who are present on the human side of organization. Respecting differences and accepting similarities is an old trend but now with Social angle we can build correlation between multiple factors and predict future. Based on the data, analytics can be built to refine our intuition and decision making.

Asking HR to adopt technology and spend a considerable amount of time with technology can ease lot many problems. Understanding and implementation can be improved significantly with first-hand use of solutions. This way HR can easily navigate between data and take timely steps to keep the workforce ready for future.

Let us keep ‘H’ in HR and make the transition smooth. Without humans; technology is like an untamed lion, moving vigorously but without a sole defined purpose that only a team of passionate individuals can understand. TechHR asked fellow HR’s to keep up in the game and survive best talent for companies. Looking forward to many #TechHR events to come in India with @Rchilli and @ PeopleMatters2

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