Think Like Gen Z to Hire Gen Z

by Paramdeep Singh


A few days ago, we were talking about millennials and recruitment. And now, Gen Z is hitting the job market. Hiring Gen Z is a hot topic of discussion in the HR tech industry. Before discussing various ways to attract and hire this generation, let us first understand who they are.

Who is Generation Z?

Generation Z is born between 1997 and 2012. As most of them are still very young and studying, we look for those who are born between 1997-2000. 

  • Gen Z is tech-savvy. They aspire to work in companies that belong to the tech industry.

  • What attracts Gen Z? Work environment, good pay, flexible hours, company discount, free food, etc.

  • Gen Z gives priority to career development. They work for companies where they can see a clear development path.


How to Recruit the Best Gen Zers?

  • It is All About Technology

Gen Z is born in the era of smartphones, online tools, and AI-enabled virtual assistants. 

Do you think a job posting and phone interview is enough to attract this generation?

Apart from keeping your ATS mobile-optimized, it would be best if you focus on delivering an ultimate candidate experience to Gen Zers. This is because they are getting instant, seamless, and quick service everywhere, and this is what they expect from you. By using a resume parser, you can keep the job applications short and let them apply on the go. They just need to upload their resumes, and the parser will automatically fill in the data fields by extracting resume data. 

  • Go Social

Where can you find Gen Zers? The answer is social media. Yes, this is where they spend most of their time. Promote your employer brand on social channels, create your company pages on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and share your job positions on them. This is an effective way of attracting candidates.

  • Give Importance to Diversity

Add diversity in your workforce. Again, you can take the help of technology to achieve this goal. Make your recruitment process bias-free by using a resume parser. As the parser extracts the resume data in data fields, you can shortlist candidates based on their qualifications, experience, education, etc. Thus, you choose candidates based on their merit and not personal bias or favoritism.

  • Offer Exclusive Perks

It is important to devise special strategies to retain Gen Z. While hiring Gen Zers, tell them about the exclusive benefits they can avail as employees such as free food, trainings, game rooms, flexible hours, etc.

  • Use the Power of Content Marketing

Attract candidates by highlighting your company’s achievements, new product developments, awards, etc., through your blog posts or videos. 


Gen Z is rapidly entering the job market, and attracting this tech-savvy generation requires a fresh approach. To hire Gen Z effectively, leverage technology by using mobile-optimized ATS and resume parsers for a seamless candidate experience. Engage them on social media, emphasize diversity in your recruitment process, and highlight exclusive perks. Content marketing can also showcase your company's achievements and culture. By understanding and aligning with their preferences, you can successfully recruit and retain Gen Z talent.

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