Why Recruiters Check Candidates' Profiles on Social Media?

by Lovepreet Dhaliwal

Untitled design (36)When I talk about social media, what do you think about?

  • Tweets?
  • Sharing photos?
  • Connecting with friends and colleagues?

What More?

How about using it as a tool to recruit the right fit?

Sounds interesting!

71 percent of employers use social media to screen candidates during the hiring process

Social media is the latest trend in hiring candidates. That is why it is one of the most preferred choices of recruiters while screening candidates. Get to know the candidates through their social information before calling them for an interview.

What Do Recruiters Look for on Social Profiles of Candidates?

 Around 91% of companies all around the world use social media channels such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook to screen candidates.

Check out why recruiters need to access candidates’ social information:

  • Can Candidates Fit into the Company’s Culture?

You can determine candidates’ personality through the posts they share on social media, what they follow and who they follow, their interests, etc. Based on this information, you can judge if the candidate will embrace the culture of your company.

  • What’s New About Candidates?

Recruiters check candidates’ profile to see the latest information about them. As most of the candidates stay active on social media, they update the most recent information about them on this platform.

Using AI to Get Social Information about the Candidate

Technology can do wonders in recruitment. We all know that it automates and simplifies recruitment. Let’s see how it broadens your horizon for acquiring talent.

Social Connect

Get updated information of candidates from their social media profiles. At enrichment marketplace, choose an app which searches candidate’s profile on social media to explore any new and relevant information including recently acquired skills, employment gaps, etc.

Passive Resume Update

Get a complete and updated snapshot of the candidate’s profile. There are data connectors in a marketplace who are capable of enriching candidate’s information by providing verified details, e.g., email id, phone number, social details.

Job Score

There are apps and tools which identify job change behavior of the candidate as well as recognize the signals when he/she is getting active in the market.  Based on this, each candidate gets a score and a rank accordingly.


Social media has become a crucial tool for recruiters in screening candidates. With 70 percent of employers using social media during the hiring process, it offers a valuable glimpse into candidates' personalities, interests, and cultural fit. By examining social profiles, recruiters can access up-to-date information and gain insights that might not be available on resumes.

Leveraging AI and technology further enhances this process. Tools available at enrichment marketplaces can provide updated social information, verify candidate details, and even predict job change behavior. These advancements make social media screening an indispensable part of modern recruitment.

All these services are available at Enrichment marketplace. Stay tuned for the next update as RChilli is soon going to launch it.

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