Why Filling Up Job Applications Sucks?

by Vinay Johar

Is your application process driving away top talent

What is the candidate experience (CX), and how can your company provide a good CX? Are you interested in how AI-powered solutions can assist you in delivering a satisfying candidate experience?

Does your job application process seem like jumping from a cliff? Have you figured out "WHY"?

Jen is a diligent HR professional. She works with the Silicon Valley company and is responsible for the organization's recruitment process. A few days ago, the company opened a position for mid-level management. 

Jen was looking forward to the response to the advert. She was surprised when she realized fewer candidates had applied for the job. What could probably be the reason? 

Later in the day, Jen received an email from one of the candidates. It read:

Dear Jen,

I applied for a job position on your company's website, which took me an hour to complete.

Why does your system want me to fill in each resume detail when I have already uploaded my resume? It does not make any sense.



I guarantee that it is a waste of time (1)

Jen could not understand why the candidate reacted this way. After all, that is how recruitment works.

Candidates were not happy with Jen's recruitment process. They were leaving job applications mid-way, leaving Jen perplexed.

Jen discussed the situation with one of her friends, who recommended that she apply for a job on her company's website and feel the candidate's experience.

And this is what happened:

  • Jen logged onto the company's website.
  • The company's ATS prompted her to create an account.
  • She selected a job and clicked on 'Apply.'
  • Then, she uploaded her CV.
  • But this was not the end. The system wanted Jen to upload a cover letter and her work samples.
  • She did it and was about to relax in her chair when the screen displayed a long form asking her to fill in her education details, contact details, personal details, and experience details, and the list was endless.
  • Jen could now understand how a candidate would react.


It was clear that her organization was not delivering a good candidate experience. The candidates were leaving the company's website and its job applications in the middle of the process.

Then her friend asked her three questions:

1. How do you shortlist candidates?
  • Through their resumes
  • Picking them up randomly
  • First come, first serve

She replied: Of course (a), through their resumes.

2. Why do you ask candidates to upload their resumes on your company's website?
  • To know about the candidate
  • That is the protocol
  • Just for the heck of it

She smiled and said: (a) to know about the candidate.

3. If you get to know the candidates through their resumes, what is the purpose of asking them to fill in details of their education, experience, contact details, personal details, etc., separately?
  • I want to annoy them.
  • I want them to bang their head on the wall.
  • Well, I do not find any reason.

Jen could not reply. She realized where she was going wrong.

The moment you realize (800 × 450 px)

It was evident that the traditional recruitment method was no longer viable. But what can be done?

Automation is the only solution to address this problem. These intelligent tools powered by AI for recruitment automate the cv/resume screening process. 

Jen integrated the advanced resume parser with her ATS and delivered a fantastic candidate experience. Now her candidates need not fill out the long lengthy forms repeatedly. They have to upload their resumes, and the fields will be populated automatically. 

Super Happy! (800 × 450 px)

Do you want to know how AI-powered solutions can help you deliver a positive candidate experience? 

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