7 Proven Strategies to Update Superficial & Outdated Hiring Practices

by Aanchal Sharma

Recruitment in the present day and age is challenging. It’s increasing with sparer teams and budgets, but with the exact hiring expectations. In this blog, we’ve chalked out the most common challenges that Oracle HCM recruiters face and a few tips to overcome them.

Oracle Recruiting 2023 hiring practices

Despite millions of job openings, employers all around are struggling to make the perfect hires. The staffing shortage has taken a toll on the recruiters’ routine to adapt to the new reality of fishing out potential candidates.

Working in synergy with the changing trends, the recruitment approach and processes are improving and becoming more productive. One thing’s for sure; the recruiting approach should be evolving. So, here’s a list of significant challenges that recruiters face almost daily and the techniques that can enhance their practices.  

The Major Challenges Recruiters Will Face

The recruitment industry is yet to recover from the slump caused by the pandemic. Now that we’ve entered 2024, many cracks still exist. The ever-rising vacant chairs, speedy hirings, and the struggle to retain good employers are just a few of the many challenges. A few others include:

Oracle Recruiters challenges

Source: Jobadder, Yello, The Future of Jobs Report, Retorio.com, Hirevue.com, Cbsnews.com 

Here’s a list of other significant challenges recruiters will face in 2024:

  • Challenge 1: A Dearth of Talented Professionals

One of the most talked-about recruitment topics is the shortage of talented professionals. Because of this, recruiters face trouble filling up positions.

Did you know that hiring ad-hoc employees is directly proportional to a decline in company revenue?

According to the report by Korn Ferry, more than 85 million jobs will be unfilled by 2030. This study opposes the claims that automation is taking over humans. However, the actual reason would be the need for more skilled professionals worthy of taking the jobs.

  • Challenge 2: A well-defined Job Post That Doesn’t Attract Prospective Audience

The second biggest challenge for recruiters is to seize the attention of suitable candidates. One of the major reasons contributing to the problem is the job description, which needs to speak of your requirements. 

There’s hype around improving the positive candidate experience, and not having clarity in the job descriptions could bar a candidate’s ability to understand the scope of the job.

  •   Challenge 3: Re-starting the Recruitment Procedure

We’d all agree that the recruitment procedure is no cakewalk. It’s extensive and elaborate, with numerous stages involved.

Imagine having to restart the hiring process just a few days or a month after you recruited a potentially skilled candidate.

Starting the hiring process from scratch can be an immense pain, especially when the recruiter must scroll through hundreds of old resumes and fish out the next best candidate for the job.

  • Challenge 4: Engaging Talented Candidates

Now that the pandemic has almost faded, the number of candidates looking for job opportunities is increasing. For hiring managers, this means they’ll be going in for a fierce battle to win the attention of a skilled candidate.

Also, they must engage the interest of the prospective candidate throughout the recruitment process.

Remember that brand value will attract the candidate to your job; maintaining that is the challenge.  

  • Challenge 5: Ascertaining a Positive Candidate Experience

Ascertaining a positive candidate experience is challenging not just for the already existing workforce but also for the new hires.

Did you know- a lengthy job application form is a reason why most candidates leave applying to the job mid-way?

A talented candidate can’t afford to invest minutes on one application form. Things get frustrating, especially when they are asked to fill in the details mentioned in the resume. 

How to Get Started & Face These Challenges

Efficient recruiting begins when hiring managers do their homework and do good research. When high-volume recruiting is involved, conventional practices like manual resume screening or delayed call-back to the candidates for the next round will not lead to hiring potential results. 

This is where an AI-driven resume parser helps. Deploying a resume parser can be an excellent strategy to diversify the talent pool by leveraging technical advancement to enrich the candidate database.

Numerous #hrtrends are ruling the 2024 charts, some of which include:

2024 HR Trends

Source: The Future Of Customer Engagement and Experience

Let’s check out the strategies that can enhance the recruitment process:

  • Tip 1: Emphasize Diverse Hiring & Avoid Biases

Companies now are more than ever focusing on a diverse workforce. Giving it prominence when revamping the hiring process is a great idea.   

Cecelia Harris, the Senior Human Resources Consultant with HR Consulting firm Arc Human Capital, says, “That’s a big item that everybody is addressing right now.” She adds, “If you go to any job board, everybody is trying to hire a diversity, equity, and inclusion person,” or they are at least mentioning those words in job descriptions.”

According to a study by Quartz,

Nearly 60% of recruiters decide whether to call a candidate for the next round in 15 minutes. The more-experienced ones, however, take even less time. 

Believe it or not, each recruiter is way more biased than they think, and automating the process nevertheless enhances the results.

AI-driven RChilli resume parser in Oracle HCM helps recruiters select talented candidates by allowing them to select the skills and profiles they would otherwise overlook. 

Blind resume screening is possible only through backend automation. RChilli resume parser helps enable/disable the fields according to the selection criteria. Choosing the essential information over the non-essential ones improves the quality of the hire from the screening process. It helps the recruiters save ample time manually screening the resumes.

  • Tip 2: Give Importance to Employee Referrals

You never know; the right candidate might sit right under your nose. An employee referral program, thus, can prove to be an excellent asset for your recruitment strategy & business. If the metric report for 2021 recruiting by Career Plug is to be believed,

One of the best sources for hiring great candidates is employee referrals. The candidates who come through these referrals are 13 times more likely to become engaged than those who come through job boards. 

Another reason employee referrals can be a good choice is that an employee already knows the company and its expectations of the candidates. This reduces the recruiter’s time vetting candidates and gauge their interests.

  • Tip 3: Global Hiring

The problem of the skills gap mars the U.S. recruitment industry. Since most of the employees work remotely, companies have realized restricting local talent can be their loss. Having access to talented candidates across the globe gives them leverage over competitors.

Expanding the reach signifies that a recruiter can select from a vast talent pool and pick a candidate who fits all the required skills. This is probably why many companies avoid going back to the conventional brick-and-mortar approach.

On the other hand, many entrepreneurs think hiring globally incurs extra salary expenses since they’d have to hire someone to scrutinize the resumes each time. Vinay Johar, the CEO of RChilli says,

“RChilli’s resume parser in Oracle HCM is designed to parse multiple multi-lingual resumes. A recruiter can hire employees from different countries with a one-time configuration setup. There are nearly 30+ languages that the parser can process the resumes in, like English, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian, Italian, Dutch, Polish, German, Spanish, and Hebrew, to name a few.”   

  • Tip 4: Build a Great Brand Image & Enhance Positive Candidate Experience

The recruiters and the company must know that job seekers prefer to work at a company that values its employees.

The career page can be a great way to enhance brand value. It can be a perfect channel to market your brand and get the candidates talking about how they would grow professionally.  

Candidates judge a company from the first step, i.e., applying for the job post. If the process is complicated and asks them to spend time filling in the details already mentioned in the resume, it leaves a negative impression.

Making the job application process easy is the first step toward building trust.

RChilli resume parser in Oracle HCM offers a one-click application process that helps potential candidates apply for the job fast.

It not only makes the candidate’s experience brilliant but decreases the candidate drop-off rate and strengthens the brand image. Naturally, your call-back time reduces from 3-4 days to 1 day, and you can hire the ideal candidates faster than your competitors. 

All they need to do is upload their resume and apply for the post. Believe us, candidates speak about it.

  • Tip 5: Engage Passive Candidates

According to a report by LinkedIn, nearly 70% of professionals fall under the passive candidate category. So, even though they are working somewhere, they still will be okay with switching if you offer them a better opportunity.

It'll be challenging to connect with these professionals, but it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be included in your campaigns. One of the best ways is to maintain a candidate database. Keep sharing relevant industry updates so they can get engaged, and you get to stay in their minds.

RChilli Resume Parser in Oracle HCM: Bringing A Constructive Change To The Recruitment Process

Recruitment trends keep changing, and staying in sync with them will give you a competitive edge. RChilli resume parser, a blend of native lightning with a configurable UI, provides a new direction to the candidate selection approach.

The parser allows Oracle HCM users to integrate intelligent AI-enabled capabilities in the recruitment environment. Also:

  1.  Auto-fill Data Fields in Oracle HCM

Each Oracle user has an industry-specific hiring process, regardless of the industry. Oracle HCM allows users a chance to build a team of skilled professionals by selecting candidate profiles based on the standard 30+ data fields.

RChilli understands the existing hoard among recruiters to hire only the best. To make this happen, the parser populates all 30+ resume fields and customizes the data field extraction process with an added 140+ custom fields.

The recruiters can thus shortlist candidates quickly with accurately parsed data from fields, including 

  • First, middle, and last name, 

  • Address based on country, city, state, postal code, 

  • Experience based on profile, employer name, start and end date

  • Licensing and certifications, 

  • Education, and more.

  1. Flexible Pricing Module

We’ve often seen recruiters struggle because of the complicated pricing module. Either the parsing comes with a complex pricing plan, or one is restricted in the number of languages or resumes. Either way, a recruiter ends up losing on one front.

RChilli resume parser in Oracle HCM comes with a well-defined, transparent, and structured pricing module that doesn’t charge the clients an additional penny for languages other than English. The recruiters can thus build a globally diverse team that’s talented and skilled and don’t have to shell out an extra dime.

  1. Customer Support

One primary concern of Oracle HCM recruiting professionals and entrepreneurs is waiting to hear from the companies or teams in a timely manner. Be it the setup issue, the first-reach out mail, or a call request for fixing a bug that could potentially hamper the resume parsing and candidate selection process, a delayed response of days could affect companies in a big way.

At RChilli, the team takes customer support very seriously. No matter the issue, the team ensures the clients or prospective clients are time reached out to, and their issues are resolved. Customer delight is the mandate the company works on, and each team member ensures following it to the T.


As we advance into 2024, the hiring landscape evolves with new challenges and opportunities. Embracing AI-driven tools like resume parsers can significantly streamline recruitment processes, enabling organizations to attract and retain top talent efficiently. By focusing on diversity, leveraging employee referrals, expanding global hiring, enhancing brand image, and engaging passive candidates, recruiters can overcome outdated practices and drive successful hiring outcomes.

Adapting these strategies will ensure your organization remains competitive and can secure the best candidates in the ever-changing job market.

If the recruiter in your company or you need help cracking the perfect hiring code, let’s find a solution.

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