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By Aanchal Sharma

Automate Resume Screening-Solve Candidate Ignore Problem in Oracle HCM

Unbiased recruitment hurts not just the company but also the talented professionals. Candidate ignore is a ...

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By Jigna B

Talent Acquisition - Strategies and Practices for 2024

As we all know, the year 2024 has seen many new shifts in hiring. This year emphasized the businesses to ...

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By Rohini Sood

Top 20 Best HR Tech Influencers of 2022

Introducing this year’s top 20 renowned global influencers in the HR Tech domain. These influential HR Tech ...

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By Aanchal Sharma

Losing Potential Candidates To Negative Brand Image? Automate & Revamp

“Employer Of Choice” is how every company wants to position itself to its potential targeted candidates. ...

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By Rohini Sood

Top 7 Hiring Trends in the Middle East for 2024

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By Rohini Sood

The Best Way To Parse Scanned Resumes - RChilli OCR Technology

Recruiters receive hundreds of CVs in various formats daily, but most are not always readable or searchable. ...

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By Aanchal Sharma

Shun Hiring Bias To Recruit Without Favoritism In Oracle HCM

Unconscious Bias- often called the silent killer of the recruitment industry, has become a universal problem. ...

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By Aanchal Sharma

7 Proven Strategies to Update Superficial & Outdated Hiring Practices

Recruitment in the present day and age is challenging. It’s increasing with sparer teams and budgets, but ...

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By Vinay Johar

Enrich Your Solr Search Engine with RChilli Taxonomy

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