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Make Your Technology, Human Resources, e-HR A Reality

The never-ending contest about the future of Human Resources continues to take major twists and turns with ...

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HR Tech Conferences to attend in July 2017

Every month since 2017, we have published the list of the events for the month ahead. As I read through them, ...

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#HRTechTank NYC Experience - Your Way To Success

New York was even more vibrant and exhilarating than usual on June 1st, thanks to HR Tech Tank New York held ...

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From innovative startups to HR Tech Trends Discussions to People Management, HR Events of June 2017 cover the ...

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Microsoft & LinkedIn Merger is Transforming Recruiting. Are You Ready?

There is much hurly-burly over the Microsoft-LinkedIn Merger. Considering the '$26.2Billion’ amount and being ...

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Top Job Board Insights for C-Suite in 2017!

January is over, and February is rolling with full pace. In the beginning, like every other year, forecasts ...

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“Everyone you will ever meet knows something that you don’t”

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Search Quicker and Match Better with Semantic

Having data is not sufficient. You need actionable data, on which you can take swift decisions, even before ...

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Science behind Better Recruiting - Better Matching!

Does your software/Jobboard claims to attract the top candidate, the best way possible, first and fast? Then, ...

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