Our blog

By Vinay Johar

Another New Milestone for RChilli: RChilli 8.0.0

We are thrilled to announce the release of RChilli 8.0.0, marking yet another significant milestone in our ...

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By Vinay Johar

The A to Z of Providing an Ultimate Candidate Experience

Are you looking at hiring the perfect fit? Are you making an effective strategy to get quality talent? What’s ...

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By Vinay Johar

Picking Perfect Candidates to Make A Perfect Talent Pool!

What results do you expect from your recruitment process? Do you want perfect candidates? Are you looking at ...

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By Vinay Johar

Are You Meeting Gen Z's Expectations?

Over the years, you must have witnessed a lot of transformation in the recruitment process as we did our best ...

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By Vinay Johar

RChilli's Views on HR Technology: June'19

Continuing with our monthly round-up series, get a complete overview of our blogs and articles written in ...

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By Vinay Johar

Made for Each Other: AI and Talent Acquisition

Imagine what would happen if a few clicks simplify the process of talent acquisition!

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By Vinay Johar

A Complete Guide to Resume Screening

Resume screening is the process of finding the most suitable candidate for the job role based on information ...

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By Vinay Johar

RChilli's Views on HR Technology: May'19

Did you miss our blogs, articles, and other content published in this month? No worries. Check out this ...

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By Vinay Johar

Key Takeaways from HR Festival Asia, Singapore 2019

What an amazing event it was! The two days, May 8-9, 2019, witnessed thousands of attendees at the event, ...

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